Lacey's House

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Finally the limo pulled into Lacey's driveway. I haven't seen her in over a year and I missed her so much. As soon as the car came to a full stop I jumped out and thanked Jonathan for the ride.
"Not so fast kiddo" he said. What about your friend? He asked.
"Oh shit" I almost forgot she wanted an autograph I thought.
Jonathon ushered his driver to pull off and go a little ways down the road. He then hid beside the house while I knocked on Lacey's door.
She opened the door and quickly attacked me with a bear hug, she pulled away after a moment and I noticed her jaw on the ground. Turning around, I saw Jonathon standing behind me with a huge smirk on his face.
"Oh my god" she said amazed.
Lacey's eyes started to fill with happy tears as Jonathon walked towards her and gave her a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. I have never seen her smile like that, the while time I have known her.
Would it be okay if I came in for a minute? Jonathon asked lacey.
Ah ah... Of course she finally managed to choke out. I seriously thought she was going to pass out.
As we went inside I turned to Jonathan and mumbled a thank you. He just shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand as if saying it was nothing. He had no idea what it meant to me, more importantly to Lacey. She has always had the biggest thing for him. We sat down on the couch and lacey excused herself to get us some drinks. As soon as she walked away I looked at Jonathan with a questioning look.
What are you doing? I thought you were in a hurry? I asked him.
Well I am but that doesn't mean I can't take a few minutes out of my schedule to make someones day! He exclaimed. Besides it's important to you right?
Yes it is! Thank you so much Jonathan I told him again.
"Besides you didn't mention to me, that your friend is super hott!" He exclaimed.
Jonathon! I shouted, that's because I don't look at her that way! And for your information she is single too! I added.
"You're kidding me" he replied in disbelief.
"Nope" I said popping the P a bit.
Lacey came back into the room with our drinks and we both went completely silent.
"What?" She asked.
"Oh nothing" I responded to her with a smirk.
"Well Ladies I really need to get going" Jon said after a few minutes of chatting with us. I have a pretty busy schedule this week, he added. Before i get going I believe you wanted an autograph? He asked lacey.
"Yes please" lacey replied.
She went to her room and came back holding a huge poster of korn. Jonathon happily scribbled his name down on the paper as well as a few other things. He gave Lacey another kiss on the cheek and gave me a hug before making his way towards the door.
"Thank you so much" lacey yelled to him.
"My pleasure" he yelled back giving her a wink before walking out and shutting the door behind him.
Oh my god... Lacey repeated over and over again totally fangirling. I love you so much, I cannot believe you got Jonathon Davis to come to my house! She screamed jumping up and down.
"Lacey" I didn't ask Jonathon to come in and hang out, or to come meet you. I only asked him for an autograph, the rest of this was all his doing I explained.
She sat there with an astonished look on her face, holding that rolled up poster in her hands. She unrolled it to admire his signature again before putting it away. After just a second of looking down at it she fell on the floor.
"Lacey" I yelled scared shitless. What the fuck, I ran over to her and smacked her in the face bringing her back to reality. She didn't say a word just pointed to the rolled up poster on the floor. I grabbed it myself and began to unroll it. I just about fainted myself when i read it.

Hey hottness give me a call sometime.
Love JD

Omg. I thought out loud by accident. No wonder she fucking passed out. I would have too. I mean not over Jonathon but if my favorite person did that to me I most likely would have fainted. It wasn't like that for me towards Jonathon. There was a connection there but it was so much different than that.
Do you think he really meant that? She asked me.
"Well he seems to be a pretty straight shooter" I replied. I can't imagine he would have gave you his number if he didn't mean it.
"Maybe it's fake" she replied.
"Maybe, but I doubt It" I told her. I can't really see him doing something like that. He seems like a really humble person, he did just take time out of his day to bring me here.
"Maybe you're right" she said calming down a bit. I can't believe this is really happening, I feel like it's just a dream.
"It's definitely not a dream Lace" I said reassuringly. So are you actually gonna call him? I asked her.
"Probably" she stated. But I'm going to wait a few days, he did say he was really busy this week she added.
Lacey finally pulled herself up off the floor and walked into her room. She unrolled the poster and hung it on the wall right above her headboard. I can't believe her wish finally came true, she got to meet Jonathon and I couldn't be happier for her.

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