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Pls bare with me for this long chapter.
Justin and Raegan walked away thinking they were safe, kyleigh had a different idea in mind. Before they got in the car kyleigh cut the breaks...
R: hey Justin slow down your going to fast
J: I'm trying rae !
Raegan looked down and saw the wires cut
R: holy fuck Justin the breaks were cut
J: oh shit what are we gonna do
R: I'm calling 911 we are going to crash and we aren't gonna make it
J: don't say that we are going to make it !
R: Justin we are going full speed we're gonna die!!!!
911: 911 what's your emergency
R: hi yeah someone cut the breaks on our car and we are going full speed. We are on the highway exit 19 in Minnesota, black Toyota. SEND HELP!!
911: help is on the way
R: thank you
Raegan hung up
R: We are gonna die Justin. I just want to say I loved you when we were together and I still love you as a brother. I am blessed to have such a great best friend.
J: Rae I love you as a brother. Your the best person I have ever met. If I die and you survive plz tell my dad that I want him to marry your mom. He deserves someone special and as great as he is.
R: will do jay and if I die and you survive do the same thing
J: ok
R: I love you jay
J: luv you too Ra-
The car crashed.
Raegan woke up in the hospital with David and his mom beside him.
R: why are you crying David? why aren't you with Justin? Where is Justin?
Raegan started tearing up.
D: Raegan...
R: where is he
D: still on sight
R: why is he on sight
D: bc he didn't make it
R: what are you talking about
D: he's gone Raegan, he's gone
Raegan screamed while balling his eyes out. R: WHY DID THE TWO BOYS I LOVED SO MUCH HAVE TO DIE!!!! WHYYYYYYY!!!!
Raegan tried getting out of bed. *grunt*
Raegan went quite. And he kept quiet for a while.
It's been a few days and Raegan was so messed up with Justin's death that he forgot to tell David and his mom what Justin wanted him to tell them.
Raegan got out of bed for the first time in 48 hours.
R: David, mom, before the car crash Justin told me to tell you guys something... he wants you two to get married he said you two deserve someone who is as great as yourselves.
D: we were actually going to tell you two last week about this, we made a reservation at a venue for our wedding, we already signed the papers... we are already legally married Rae.
Raegan started crying with both relief and sadness....
no guys this isn't a dream that they dreampt . This stuff actually happened in the story. Unfortunately this is that last chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any ideas for a different story feel free to tell me. Plz vote on this chapter so I can see how many committed readers I have. Thx for reading this story♥️

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