Chapter 7

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It’s been an hour since I ran out of Death City. The sun was laughing. I need to find her. “Medusa!” I yelled running. “Kill me instead!” I yelled running in the hot ass dessert.

Kid’s POV

I stood there as she/he/they ran out. She/he/they needs to kill us? I didn’t even see her/him/them leave. I started trembling. “Woah Kid what happened? She/he/they ran out crying. You didn’t say anything did you?” Said Liz as she entered the room. “Wait, she/he.they left?!” I said standing up. “Yeah she/he/they did.” “Did you see where she/he/they was/were going?!” I yelled in her face. “No I didn’t, Kid what’s up?” She asked me as I looked down. “It’s too much to explain.” I said running out. I was searching everywhere. Where the hell did she/he/they go? I looked out of the city and started running. I know it’s a school day but that doesn’t matter, (y/n) is what matters. If she/he/they were to kill us she/he/they wouldn’t be in the city. ‘It seems that she/he/they don’t want to hurt us.’ I thought as I ran out of the city.

~Timeskip of an hour, by the fact that 6 chapters are one day~

“(Y/N)!” I called out running. I was on the verge of tears. “Kill me instead!” I heard someone call from far away. I ran towards it hoping it was (y/n). I got closer to the origin of the voice. And I saw someone on the ground. “(y/n)?” I asked as I got closer. The person turned to me and it was her/him/them. “(y/n)!” I exclaimed. She/he/they scooted away. “Get away from me!” She/he/they yelled. I stopped. “(y/n), it’s okay. Come on. Let’s go to school.” I said smiling. “N-no she’ll hurt you.” She/he/they said. I walked up to her/him/them and hugged her/him/them. “(y/n), we’ll fight. You are our friend. I-We care for you. We don’t want you to get hurt.” Can’t believe I did that. I won’t let her/him/them get hurt. “Oh. Finally found you my child.” Said a voice. (yes I just made an Undertale reference for those Undertale fans) I looked to the source and there was Medusa. I stood in front of (y/n). “M-mom?” She/he/they spoke looking to her.

Your POV

“M-mom?” I asked. There she was. Kid stood in front of me. Why? She’s going to kill him. ‘Does he mean that much to you?’ She asked in my head. “Wha-? Get out of my head mom!” I yelled. ‘Oh but darling I just wanted to make sure this boy meant something to you. If he does I’ll be glad to kill him here and now.’ She telepathically said to me. I looked terrified. “(y/n) what’s wrong?” Kid said kneeling to me again. “You need to leave.” I said. ‘Oh! So he does.’ “I told you to get out of my head!” I yelled at her. “I can’t leave you’ll get hurt.” He said to me. “Vector Plate.” Medusa said. Kid yelled flying towards Medusa. “KID!” I heard from behind me. I turned and saw Liz and Patty. “Liz! Patty!” Kid yelled as they turned into their weapon forms. They’re guns. Huh. Cool. He shot Medusa and she yelled in pain. I can’t do anything. What’s he doing?! I swear I’m going to kill him when we get back. Wait, no. They fought and Medusa hit Kid really hard. He fell from the air onto the ground and didn’t get back up. “KID!” I yelled. “There, now you can watch me kill him. That sounds fun. Killing the son of Death.” She said getting closer to him. I quickly ran over to Kid and got over him looking at Medusa. “You will not hurt him.” I said staring in her eyes. She just laughed. “And how will you stop me? You can’t harness any power and the son of Death couldn’t defeat me, how are you supposed to?” She asked me. I looked at Kid and picked him up. “I can’t.” I said to Medusa. I ran back to Death City.

I went into the school and tried to find the Death Room. “I swear to Death this place is a maze.” I said to myself as I walked around holding Kid. Liz and Patty were already out of their weapon forms but they weren’t helping me. “Liz, Patty! Help me please!” I exclaimed looking at them angrily. “Fine. Don’t yell at us.” Liz said walking off. “Sorry. Just worried.” I whispered the last two words. “Oh? Does this mean someone got the fancies for Kid?” Liz teased me. I blushed. “What?! No!” I exclaimed catching up to her. ‘How the hell did she hear me?’ I thought. “There. We’re at the Death Room.” Liz said pointing to a door. “Thank you.” I said to her before opening the door. “Lord Death!” I called as I walked down the hall. I saw Lord Death and a red haired man. “Oh! Hello (y/n).” Said Lord Death. “Sir. I ran from Kid and I ran out of the city. He followed me and  Medusa found me. She and Kid fought but he sadly failed. I got to get away from her with him but he’s been out cold for a while. I’m sorry.” I said looking down. “Oh. It’s fine. Spirit, go get Stein.” He directed the red haired man. “Yes Lord Death.” He said leaving. “I hate when people are so formal with me.” He sighed. “U-um. Lord Death?” I asked getting his attention. “Yes?” “Well, I’m sorry for being late for class. Today was my first day and I decided to run away from the opportunity of meeting new people. I guess I just couldn’t handle it. I don’t know how to handle others, so I ran like I always do.” I said still looking at the floor. (Thank you Crona) “Oh! Sorry for babbling. I didn’t mean for it to sound like a therapy session.” I said blushing out of embarrassment. He chuckled. “It’s fine.” He said as Stein and Spirit came back. “Let me see him.” Stein said to me. I nodded and gave Kid to him. “He’s fine. He just got knocked out. He should wake up in a bit.” Stein said. “O-okay. I’ll take him back home.” I said picking him up again. “See you all later. Have a good day.” Said Lord Death as we walked out of the room. I sighed as I walked. Every once in awhile I would look at Kid. “What’s up (y/n)?” I heard Patty ask me. “It’s just I’m starting to bring harm to my friends.” I sighed. “That’s okay. Plus when you meet the others you’ll have more friends to protect you and others.” She said enthusiastically. “I guess.” I looked at Kid. I sighed as we continued to his house.

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