I can't believe my eyes

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I woke up to a sound of singing downstairs I slowly got ups and walk downstairs when I reache the bottom of the stairs I realize the radio was on and WDW music was on so I stared singing to it and dancing I know how to dance I just don't know about my singing ,when I'm singing in public people come up to me and tell me I sing good so I guess I can sing I stop sing and dancing when I heard someone said" do you like why don't we boys" I turn around and saw a man with a mask on I was going to start panicking until he told me to calm down he wouldn't hurt me but whatever "I don't understand stand why you wear the mask ,oh wait maybe because your stupid and ugly" I said sassy I walk to the kitchen see the girls eating and laughing I sit down next to monica and I was about to say something until the 5 boys cams up to all of us " we are not ugly or stupid gizelle we just think you will freak out" one of the guy in the mask said I just look at them "what make you we will freak ou---- " I was cut of by the boys pulling the mask off they were WHY DONT WE BOYS
"No no no no no no no no no" said about to cry monica loves the boys to but lilly,adri,and ivanna didn't
"Wow my sister is the biggest fan of you just wait a couple of seconds " Adriana said "I hate you" I said running to the stairs but someone pulled me by the arm and turn Me to face them it was zach "I'm sor----" he was cut of by me yelling at him " DONT ,DONT EVERY TOUCH ME WITH YOUR NASTY HAND" I said pulling my arm away from him "I CANT BELIEVE MY EYES, why would you do this I liked you " I said now tears on my face "you liked me" he ask "key word LIKED you" I said walking to my room I laid down on my bed thinking about zach and the others , one of them said they kidnapped us for a reason but why.... I was thinking so much I started to cry and Zach come in my room and sat on the edge on my bed "please don't cry I'm sorry" he said I turn so I wouldn't see him " leave me alone" I said "please just don't think we kidnappe you ,we wanna make you and the others to feel at home " he said and I turn around to face him "why did you do it " I ask " I really want to tell you but I can't babe" he said babe why did he say that, we was staring at each other and then he touch my face and I can feel sparks "I would like it if you leave me alone " I said pushing his hands away he got up and gave me a small smile "just know we won't hurt you , just make you self a home ya know " he said walking out I close my eyed and toss and turn for hours before falling asleep.

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