The Dreary Thoughts

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I had a thought, a dreary one,

It was one in which I was none.

I wondered if it could come true;

The thought of everyone, life anew.

And so, in curiosity a wish I made,

And for this wish, I dearly paid.

I asked to know, I asked to see;

What life would be without me.

Then suddenly, a bright flash of light.

It held me close and exposed my fright;

It proved me right on my worst fears;

No one aware as my existence disappears.

I knew then as now you undoubtedly do,

That my ill fated wish had come true!

The familiar room which once was mine,

Wasn't the home, where I used to repine.

With family gone, to friends I fled!

Advanced them with a sense of dread.

Unknown to them, they did not care;

But, blinked back with vacant stares.

Against the wall, I sat and cried.

It was actual, like I'd truly died.

And although yes, I was afraid:

Another wish I hurriedly made.

A wish for final death to end my pain;

But, woefully this I never will gain.

You now know as clearly as I'd did,

That coming true wasn't wish's candid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2012 ⏰

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