Sarah is a woman who had a rough start in life as a child and in her past relationship. The story will go back in Sarah's pass and reveal what happened in the 2005 murder of her husband in Beverly hill California. 2 years later after that tragedy, S...
*Still in flash back* "You we're apart of this." Sarah said. I sure was, I'm his wife." Said Margaret. "I really want to punch you in the face right now." Said Sarah. "Oh and murder me like you did to your little husband." Said Margaret. "How do you know about that?" Sarah asked. "Oh your murder story-you told Cam and he of course shared it with me." "So sad, such a sad and funny story and I'm sorry you had to go through that." Margaret said. "Oh you think my past is a joke!" Sarah yelled. Margaret bent down to Sarah's face and smacked her right across the cheek and it left a red mark. "That'll teach you not to yell at me again bitch!" Margaret goes up the basement stairs, cuts the light off and locks the door shut behind her. Sarah sits in the dark with one stinging cheek and one wet cheek where a slow tear came running down.
[The Present 9:48am)] This is after court that same day... In Cams Office... Two hard knocks hit Cam's door almost breaking the glass in it. Cam looks up from his computer "Come in!?" Said Cam. "I'm only going to ask you once and one time only." "Ask away Kris." Cam said folding his hands on top of his desk with a smile. "Wipe that long wicked smile off your damn face and tell me where Sarah is?" Said Kris banging his fist on Cam's desk. "I don't know what your talking about, why would I know where Sarah is." Said Cam. "Ok, then what was that dam smirk on your face in court today when I was talking to the judge?" Kris asked. "Look, you are crossing the line right now, so I suggest you get the hell out my office." Cam said. Kris Punches Cam in the face. "NOW WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Yelled Kris. Cam holds the side of his face "Your fired." Said Cam. "Fuck you and this firm, I dont give a fuck if you fire me or not but I will find out what you did to Sarah." Said Kris walking out of Cam's Office. "What the hell was that about and what the hell happened to your face" Asked Cory walking into Cam's office and and closing the door. "Well dad, you just met Kris." Cam said. 🎼DUUUUUUN DUN🎼
At Cam's house...10:30am...
Margaret's phone: Text message from Cam: Hey babe, I need you to open the door for my dad.
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Sarah: Oh he's here?
Cam: Yea he got Sarah something to eat.
Margaret: Ok, I'm about to open it now.
Cam:Ok, thanks honey.
Margaret: Np baby 😘
Margaret sits her phone down on the table and goes to to open the door. "Oh my gosh, Cory look!" Said Margaret pointing behind Cory." "Don't say anything or I will shoot." Said Kris holding up a gun at Cory's back. "Hi Mr. Cory!" The neighbors kids says while running around in their yard. "Oh hey there kids!" Cory said pretending to have a smile on his face. "Ok, ok, we won't do anything just put the gun down, what do you want, money?" asked Cory. "Go in the house now and close the door." Said Kris. "Ok, I closed the door, now what do you want." Said Cory. "I want my girlfriend, now where's the basement, I know you have her in there?" Kris Said. 🎼Dun Dun Dun, Dun 🎼