Part 5 Who is Madison and Liam?

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"Is there a problem ma'am?" The officer ran in. "You know what everything is fine." Sarah said putting her hand up." "Christin, there are guidelines, I have a boyfriend." Said Sarah. "I'm sorry it just was a thank you kiss and...your just so beautiful." Said Christain. "Thank you Christin, but again...I have a boyfriend that I love dearly." "I'm sorry, my happiness took a hold of me—please forgive me Sarah." "No, I know your excited to be getting out of here I get it." "Thank you for understanding." Christin said. "Well I do have to go because I have to sign my name on the firm." Said Sarah. "Wait what do you mean?" Christin asked.
"Oh, well I forgot to tell you since I was ranked the highest standing Attorney at Cam's firm, the firm gets passed on to me." Explained Sarah. "Ohhh, so it's almost like if your the president and something happens to you, the Vice President then takes over." Christin said. "Exactly, you got it." Sarah began to laugh. "Ok, well at least this firm is getting into a good persons hands." Said Christian.
"Um, Christian your hugging me again." Said Sarah. "Oh, oh, Im sorry, you know Im just happy to get out of this place." "Said Christian. "Yea." Sarah laughs again.

Outside the firm...
"Why isn't she picking up." Said Jake, the landlord" "Hi, I'm the assistant for Cam Sanchez, who are you?" Asked Priscilla coming to the front doors of the firm. "Hi, I'm Jake Owens from the New York Real estate company. "Oh well how may I help you, Cam isn't here right now." "Oh no, I'm here to see Sarah Miller." "I was calling her, but I can quite get a hold of her."

At the Lincoln Correctional Facility
"Ok, here's your clothes, you get dressed in your cell." Said the officer coming in the interrogation room." "Ok, but Sarah, one more thing." Said Christain. "And what's that." Sarah Asked. "Can I work at the firm now that it's yours of course?" Asked Christian

At Sarah's Firm....9:45am...
In the rectangle meeting room of the firm...
"Ok, Thank you Sarah for signing the agreement, this is now your property." Said Jake. "Ok, Thankyou, but I have a boyfriend and we agreed on running this firm together, we talked about it already." Said Sarah. "No, I'm afaind you can't do that because he would have to be here to sign his own name." Jake said. "Ok I understand because that'll be considered forgery." Sarah said. "Correct, that would be forgery ma'am." Jake said.
"Sarah on one condition, is there anyway that you can contact him so I can hear him and see him actually agree" Said Jake. "Oh um yes—hold on, I'll see if I can get in touch with him." Said Sarah.

At the Kris's room...
Kris's phone rings.
"Hey honey, is something wrong, asked Kris?" "No, I'm just standing here with the landlord for the firm and I was going to sign your name down since you couldn't be here to do it, but the landlord said that it was forgery." "He gave me the choice to wait or I could FaceTime you so he sees and hear you agree to run the firm with me. Said Sarah. "Ok may I see the phone." Jake asked Sarah." "Yea sure, here you go." Sarah hands him her phone. "Hello Mr. Kris, my name is Mr. Jake and I'm from the New York real estate company." "Hi, nice to meet you." Kristopher said. "I'm sorry to have to meet you like this by the way, but I'm just going to ask you a quick question." Jake explains. "Ok, I'm ready." Said Kris. "Ok, would you be a participant partner in the helping of running this firm with Sarah Miller?" Jake asked. Sarah's smile began to brighten.
"I'd love too run this firm with her." Said Kris. "Great, Kris and Sarah all I need is for you to approve that she can sight your signature by say yes." Jake said. "Yes." "Ok Sarah you may look over the second half of the contract before you sign if you'd like." Jake said. "Yes, I'm going to read it over first." Sarah said. "Ok it's no rush, just tell me when your ready." Jake said. "And here's your phone back Miss. Sarah." "Oh thank you." "Hey Kris I'm gonna call you back after I sign the contract ok." "No I can stay on the phone while you read it it fine." Kris says. "Ok hold on then." Sarah begins reading the contract feeling proud knowing god gave her a blessing. She went through a lot, but she had to go through it to get here and see her blessing through."
(10-15 minutes later...)
"Ok and I believe that's it." Sarah ends her reading of the contract. "Ok well you can sign his name right here and all the way down here."
"Ok, is it anything else?" asked Sarah.  "No that is all...congratulations the firm is all yours and I can have someone come out to change the name to whatever you guys choose." Jake the landlord says closing the contract. "Ok can I call you with a schedule, my plates kind of full right now." Sarah explains. "Yes, sure here's my card just give me a call-it's no problem at all Sarah." "It was great doing business with you both." Jake gives Sarah a firm friendly handshake." Priscilla comes in the rectangle meeting room. "Sarah who is that guy out there?" "Who?" Sarah looks. "Him, he's a spitting image of Cam." Priscilla says. "Well would you be surprised if I told you, he was Cam's brother."
"What?" Priscilla looks back at Christin.

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