Chapter Six- New Allies and New Warnings

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"Your stance is wrong." Donnie said simply as he observed Hannah. She stopped abruptly. "What do you mean my stance is wrong. I'm doing it exactly like you told me to." She defended. Donnie sighed. "Do it again." Hannah huffed, but did as she was told. She swung her naginata then stabbed at an invisible foe. The she spun it around again and blocked. Then she went to stab once more. "Okay, stop." Donnie instructed. Hannah paused. Donnie walked over to her and nudged her foot a little to the left and raised the naginata blade a bit higher. "There." He said.

Hannah gave him an 'are you serious' look. "It's important to be accurate." He explained. Hannah rolled her eyes. "I'm melting in this heavy trenchcoat!" The two teens heard Raph grumble. "And the fact that the movie was lame doesn't help at all." "It was not lame! It was heartfelt!" Leo argued. They exchanged a glance before walking to the doorway and peeking out to see that Olivia, Scar, Raph, and Leo were back. And none of them looked happy. "He's right, Raphie. The movie wasn't lame." Scar said, hugging him from the side. "It was downright stupid." "How can you say that? The movie was so romantic!" Olivia said.

"Well, for starters, it had like, thirty million cliche parts in there." Scar said, holding up one finger. "Yeah, but that made it more adorable!" Olivia added. "Secondly, the guy was clearly a douche to begin with and why she dated him again after that cheating incident eludes me." Raph stated. "It shows how forgiveness is important, Raph. And it built up their relationship." Leo explained. "And to top it off, the guy proposed to her while she was dying! That's dumb! Who does that?" Scar finished. "And with her last breath, she accepted." Olivia smiled dreamily. "Their love was so strong." Leo said with an amazed tone. "So pure." Olivia swooned, leaning onto her blue clad  boyfriend's shoulder.

Scar and Raph gagged. "And this is why I make it a point to avoid them at the theater." A redheaded girl said walking in. "Chill red. They made the place super dope. At least I had Raph to talk to in there. You never say a word." said a black haired boy, walking in after her, his hands in the pocket of his sleeveless hoodie. "Because your not supposed to." The girl sighed and she turned toward the dojo, feeling someone watching her. "Oh, hey Donnie." She grinned. Donnie blushed, averting his attention to floor as he stepped out, Hannah right behind him. "H-h-h-ey A-April." He stammered.

Hannah gave Donnie a 'what the heck' look. "S-So you went to the movies?" He asked, shyly. "Um yeah. I went to see the same movie as Leo, Raph, Scar, and Liv." The girl stated. "With me." The boy interjected, a bit too forcefully. Donnie narrowed his eyes. "Casey." He stated with no interest. "Dorkatello." The boy, who Hannah now knew as Casey, retorted with the same tone. "You know that's not my name puck for brains." Donnie growled. "I can call you whatever I want!" Casey smirked, fully aware of the fact that he was getting under Donnie's skin. Hannah took a few steps backward so that she was standing with everyone else.

"Does this happen often?" She inquired as the boys pushed and shoved each other angrily. The redheaded girl nodded. "Way more than you'll ever know." She turned to Hannah with a smile. "I'm April." Hannah took her hand and shook it. "Hannah." She smiled. "APRIL!!!" Mikey cheered. He enveloped the teen in a bone crushing hug. "Hey, Mikey." She chuckled, patting his head.

He let her go and grinned. "Soo, how was your daaaaayyyyy?" He dragged out the word Day a little too much. April shrugged. "It was fine until this happened." She pointed to Donnie and Casey who were now All in each other's faces. Suddenly another teenage girl, this time with an angled Bob cut dyed blonde at the bottom walked in pulling them apart. "Geez. I leave you guys alone for a few days and you revert back to animals." She grilled, crossing her arms. "K-Karai!" Leo exclaimed. Olivia cleared her throat eyeing him suspiciously. "Sorry." Leo muttered. "What are you doing here?" He continued. Karai's Golden brown eyes landed on Hannah. "The important question is, what is she doing here?" She asked pointing. "This is Hannah." Raph stated. "Yeah. She's cool, dudette." Mikey added.

Karai jerked her chin up as a sign of greeting and crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you here? You don't come down often." Scar asked warily. Karai sighed. "I came to warn you." I've received word that Winter has been a little... Edgy since my 'departure' from the foot. She's been more forceful and angry. She wants revenge and she'll do anything to get it. Be careful wherever you go." Karai said gravely. Everyone's brows furrowed. Including Hannah's. "Thank you for that, Karai." Leo smiled. Olivia coughed a little too loudly and glared at Leo, who glared back.  "Anytime, Leo." Karai said, turning around and leaving. "Remember. Be careful." Hannah couldn't help the sinking feeling in her gut telling her that Karai was talking directly to her.

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