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Not Requested. As always 😂

Y/N's POV:

Analogy (noun)
A comparison of 2 or more like things...

I trail off in my English notes.

Someone is staring at me, but I can't figure out who. Scanning the room, my eyes land on a pair of caramel eyes.


Quickly looking down, I complete my notes. Nobody knows that I like Shawn. He even has his own page in the back of my journal dedicated to his name and mine in swirly letters.

I glance back up and lock eyes with him again. His lips tug up into a small smirk and my heart flutters. I bite the inside of my cheek and try to concentrate on the lesson, but his stare makes it a million times more difficult.

"Okay class," Ms. R speaks, "the rest of the time is for homework, and you may work with a partner."

I plug in my earbuds, and start doing the simple assignment. There are noises around me of people talking, when I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, can I borrow a pencil?" The girl behind me asks. I was hoping that it would've been Shawn, but it wasn't.

"Yeah here," I hand her mine and grab another one to use.

The boy in the desk next to me left to go talk to his friends instead of do his assignment, dumb.

Shawn approaches me and I keep my cool, ignoring the fact that he's sitting less than a foot away from me, and that I can smell his cologne.

At first, I could barely hear him, but by the second time around I heard him say my name. I pull my earbuds out of my ear, "yeah?"

"I overheard that you're giving out free pencils, and I kind of forgot mine," he flashed his killer smile.

"Why yes I am, here," I handed him my pencil, "just as long as I get it back though."

"Of course."

I finished the worksheet and packed my backpack up to get ready to leave. The blonde girl who I let borrow a pencil absentmindedly stuck it in her backpack. Guess I'll never see that again.

I look over to the desk Shawn was sitting in, and he was gone, but the pencil was still there, and a note too.

Thank you. We should hang out some time. xxx-xxx-xxxx

Am I dreaming?

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