Chapter 21

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A/n: I find it funny that when I wrote the chapter the first time it was a week before my Freshman year of High School started. And now, as I'm re-writing this, I only have a week of my Freshman year left😂

Word count- 858 words


Your POV

Today was the day. The day I got to meet Johnny's father. I was very nervous, I didn't know what to think. I just really hoped he liked me.

"Ready to go?" Johnny's voice broke me from my trance. I

simply nodded my head and we both went to the truck. As we hopped in and buckled up I took a deep breath. I nervously ran my hands back and forth across the smooth leather seat.

"'Ey it's okay." He says, grabbing one of my hands, he squeezes it reassuringly.

"I know I'm just nervous". I say looking out the window.

He takes my hand and pulls it towards him and kisses it. He keeps holding it, rubbing circles with his thumb on my knuckles. I brushed a lock of my (h/c) hair out of my face. I felt really warm as my heart pounded and the weird feeling from nervousness in my throat only worsened.

We arrived at the prison shortly after. We walked in Johnny pulling me along with him. I wanted to walk slowly hoping it would give me more time. I wasn't nervous because he was a gang leader that did bad things, I was just nervous because I wanted him to like me.

As Johnny talked to the police I stared off into the distance. Soon, we were off again walking to another place inside of he large building. He leaned towards me and kissed my forehead.

"It's okay, just be yourself." He says.

"Being myself means I look-"

"-Beautiful." He said, smirking and leaning in and kissing my forehead once more. "I see a unique one of a kind girl who is beautiful, inside and out." He smiled.I blush and smiled a bit at the complement.

He slowly opened the door to the next room.

As we walked in I saw multiple booths with glass windows separating the two sides. Orange phones hanging on the sides of the dividers. I saw all of the people talking to one another. Lastly, I saw a Gorilla—it must be Johnny's father.

We walked up to the booth and Johnny talks to his dad for a moment. I take a deep breath as I rub my thumb up and down my tattoo, it's what I do when I'm nervous.

Johnny taps my shoulder and hands me the phone 'Just be yourself'. I look up at Johnny's dad as I take the phone. I haven't gotten a very good look at him until now. I thought Johnny was so much bigger than me, his dad is absolutely huge. He dwarfs me not just in height but in width too, by a lot. If that wasn't enough to crush the small amount of confidence I had his piercing icy blue eyes glared into mine harshly, I immediately felt my self shrink back into the chair feeling as if I shrunk a foot or two.

"Uh, hi." I mentally slapped myself, hard.

"Hi." He said, really deeply, taking me by surprise.

"How are you, sir?" The small talk had begun. Awkwardly the conversation continued, a lot of it was him asking me questions. But it stopped when he asked me where I was from.

"W-well I don't really remember, exactly." I stuttered a bit. He looks at me glaring into my eyes. "I... I'd tell you but I don't think you'd believe me" I say.

"Continue." He says. I took a deep breath and proceeded to tell him the whole story of what happened to me before I was sent here remembering to lower my voice so others couldn't hear very well.

I looked back up at him. I felt weak for crying in front of him, he probably wouldn't like me now. His face softened as he looked into my (e/c) eyes.

"I believe you." He said. I few more tears fell as I smiled but I quickly wiped them away.

After that the conversation got better, no awkward silences and his harsh glares.

As I laughed I saw him smile, not just a small smile but I real one. He looked so much like Johnny when he was happy, besides his blue eyes of course; also his harsh glares and frowned expression made him look the opposite of his son. But know I can see that they look similar.

I guess time flies when your having fun because shortly after a Rhino came up to us telling us to leave.

As I stood up I looked back at Johnny's dad to see him still smiling and waving. I waved back, flashing a smile of my own before taking one of Johnny's hands and walking out of the building with him.

"I told you he'd like you." He said, kissing my temple. My hand only squeezed Johnny's hand tighter as I looked at him and smiled.

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