Chapter 13

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A/n: I fangirled so much while re-writing this, omg..

Word count- 779 words


Your POV

I woke up. I rubbed my closed eyes feeling refreshed. 'Wow I must have actually slept good last night' I think and open my eyes.

But I almost screamed as I see someone sleeping by me, but I soon noticed it's Johnny and I blush deeply. I wanted to scream because of two reasons, someone was sleeping in my bed, even if I realized it was Johnny, and second he's hugging me in his sleep aaaannnnddd he's shirtless.

'Oh my lord' My girl hormones kick in.

He starts to mumble a bit in his sleep, and let me tell you it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I can't help but giggle. I could stay here forever but my body decides to betray me and needs to pee.

I try to get out of his grasp but he's holding me very tightly. My heart melts a little bit.

Again I try to struggle out of both of his arms, but as I almost get out he only pulls me tighter and closer to him. He mumbles a few more words as I stop struggling. I don't know how much more my heart can take.

I decide to take action once again, even if I don't want to leave his arms. I really need to pee. I poked his nose and his eyelids fluttered a bit. I giggled and did it again "Johnny, time to get up." I quietly say.

"Five more minutes." He obviously still asleep.

'Oh my gerd his morning voice, I wish I could just squeeze him-' My girl hormones kick in once again.

I giggle again as I poke is cheek. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." I poke him with every word.

He slowly opens his eyes and they come in contact with my (e/c) mere inches from his. "O-oh g-good morning (y-y/n)." He said, probably not expecting my face to be so close to his.

"Morning." I smile and blush.

We're both silent for a moment, him probably not realizing he has both his arms wrapped around me.

"Johnny as comfortable as I am right now I really need to pee." I giggle.

He looks down and instant pulls his arms away. "I-I-I'm so sorry, (y/n), it's just t-that you fell asleep-"

I cut him off with a kiss to his cheek. "It's fine, I'll be right back." I said before walking to the bathroom.

No ones POV

Johnny sat up in bed as you walked to the bathroom. Oh how he already missed you being in his arms. His mind wanders to last night, the panic attack, you being in his arms, the kiss-..

He thought that you couldn't possibly feel the same way about him. He wished that you had kissed him back. He thought it was amazing, but it was like you weren't even there.

He sighed and just stared at his hands. He didn't know the first thing about relationships. All he knew is that he wanted to always be with you, to hold you, to make you laugh and smile, to kiss you-

His thoughts were interrupted by you coming in the room. As you went and stood next to him you couldn't help but know that something was off about him.

"What's wrong Johnny?" You asked. '

What about my dad?' Johnny thought.

"Hey, you okay?" You asked.

'Should I?' He thought.

"Johnny, you know you can tell me anything." You said.

And he did. Just like that he had pressed his lips against yours once more. It was magical, just really surprising for you, so you didn't respond.

On the other side Johnny quickly sighed and pulled away thinking he was right, you didn't like him. He walked out of your room and started to walk down the stairs.

You finally could process what happened and you followed after Johnny smiling like there's no tomorrow. "Johnny wait!" You yelled, running down the stairs.

"Wh-" His words were cut off by you slamming your lips on his. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to your level, also you stood on your tip-toes as you were around Johnny's shoulder level standing flat-foot. His arms went to your waist as he finally kissed back.

It was wonderful.

You both pulled away smiling and blushing up a storm. The two of you quickly hugged "I like you too." You said.

"Oh, thank god." You heard him say from above you. You just giggled before pulling yourself to his level and pecking his cheek.

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