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Eugen, Oregon.

Ebony's POV.

"Who's turn is it? Earth to Ebs?"

"What? Oh um, yours I think." It was just another Friday night that concluded of me and Ash laying in my room, eating grapes and playing 20 questions. Which now that I think of it, it should really be called "Nonstop Questions Until You Fall Asleep," but I guess that's too long.

Ashton propped himself up on his elbows and stared right through me, "Okay, so tell me, what's your biggest fear?"

Simple. "Getting caught by my demons."

A/N Hello so I'm Lexi and I know this story probably seems like one you've read before, but believe me the story I'm planning is completely different than all the others. Oh and this was just like an "intro" to the story, so don't worry my chapters will be much longer. Also, I have no idea what my "updating schedule" will but I'll let you know next week! Alright, this author's note is now longer than my actually story so that's all for now.

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