Well Well Well

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Today, is the day. The day that I uncovered all the bruises and lies.

I never knew how many problems we all had...Our group really is the misfits of this place we call Earth the ones who would rather call home anywhere else.

S has so many problems it's almost ridiculous; he hides it so well, yet you can tell he just wants help. But his problems aren't exactly invisible, as in anyone could easily find out if they took a little time to just talk to him. But no one does.

Dylan, he just got off the street his dad died in the war and his mom is a drug addict, he try's to spend the nights at friends houses. He's spent the last week at mine, he has a job down at the gas station and gives my mom ten bucks just for letting him borrow the bed in the other room, cheap piece of nothing if you ask me. He doesn't eat our food other then when we're all hanging out or if offered, he gets his own. He wants a better life but its hard when you have nothing.

Zachary.. He's going through cancer.. Just recently he was diagnosed with it. His dad is a doctor but he can't do anything because he has brain cancer.. They're looking into everything and doing anything they can. But the way Zach see's it, he might as well be living his life now having all he wants and needs now. We help him with bucket list stuff its fun and gets us out and about. But I can't help crying at night over it, I wonder if he cry's too?

 For Alex its all work, when he goes home he does nothing but work. I mean all of us have chores every kid has chores. But Alex goes home and does every single chore everything and anything. One thing after another every day. if I keep my room neat and like do my everyday routine of chores my parents are fine, its different. Lets say he's not a child he's a grown up doing everything for his parents yet getting nothing he has a job too around the corner at the butcher, has to give his money to his parents.. he gets five dollars a month, but sometimes he sneaks money just doesn't give his parents as much or works extra hours that they don't know about. His life is just work. He is trying to avoid home more now though, he just leaves; ignores what his parents say most of the time.

For me uhg, my mom is a total... In other words we don't get along. She brings home a different guy every week and tells me to order pizza for dinner every night. Everything I have, I bought with my own money other then my bed which isn't really a bed its just a cheap junk yard mattress. I work with Dylan at the gas station, only part time. I volunteer down at the hospital, mainly so I can hang out with Zachary and the other kids. I can make them laugh, Ella comes with me, sometimes; I think they make her laugh more then we make them.

Elizabeth.. She's got problems too. Nothing we can do anything about so she says. Its her dad and her older brother... Her dad is really the problem her brother is just following what he's being taught. They should both go to prison for all I'm concerned. She didn't really get that into it, she didn't want to. Her dad gets really drunk pretty much every night. He gets really angry and plain stupid, I mean he's already a complete jerk when he isn't piss drunk. Her mother has been in the hospital on countless occasions, he got worse when she just up and left. She only calls now. Ella always has bruises but he knows where to hit so she can cover it up. The other night he took her and Missa; her sister, to the basement.

She wouldn't say anything after that.

We just skipped the rest of the day after lunch. None of us feeling much like class, or home.

We are all music fans, only some of us play but we all listen. We went down to the park and a live concert was playing just a small little band, a quiet sort of get together. With different types of music playing it was so nice, we just sat on the grass eating pizza and talking. Being....actually kind of girly. But I guess we all pulled together to be a bit girly for her.

"So Elizabeth, a little birdy told me you loved a certain someone, could it possibly be true?" I bugged her. She gave that same small smile looking down, as her cheeks started to go a light pink. S nudged Alex's arm with his elbow smiling like an idiot, but it made me smile too.

"Well??" Zachary prompted.

She just smiled she might not ever admit it to us, but we all knew. Alex took her hand in his in a quick easy motion. Like it was natural no thought process just a simple act of caring.

"Well...." She gave me a sly look. "Rebecca Andrews seems to have caught your attention" She smiled mockingly at me, as the boys immediately starting poking and prodding me about her.

I rolled my eyes. My shoulders came up to meet my neck as I felt the rough hands fall on my upper back. Elizabeth was almost instantly in tears, but she held them back, she quickly shoved Alexander's hand away and tensed her whole body. Not her dad.....Yes, her dad.

I stood up swiftly to turn and looked at him, my gang was up instantaneously with me, I didn't mean to come off as a threat to him. Maybe I did, he backed up a few steps. "Sorry guys, she's got to come home now" he said. I could smell the whiskey on his breath.

She just grabbed her bag and walked past us, head down she walked at a quick pace and her dad followed wrapping his arm around her. Alex literally almost attacked him. It took all of us to hold him back. We watched them leave the park.

I won't ever forget the sickness in my stomach as she got into the car on the other side of the field and looked back at us. I won't ever forget the bile rising in my throat as I watched his arm slide around her waist in a greedy fashion. I will not ever forget the tears that came into Alexander's eyes as he watched the car drive away as we held him still.

That is the first and only time I had ever seen him cry.

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