I'm Okay

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Lance wasn't used to being shut out. It happened regularly before he and Keith started dating, but this was different. This was Keith purposely forcing him aside. This hurt. It had never hurt so much before.

He had to corner Keith before this could get out of control.

Leaning against the wall of the training area, Lance spoke up. "So, what's up with the ignoring me lately? It's not like you to do that."

Keith grunted as he ducked away from the robot attacking him. "I'm not ignoring you. I'm training."

"I don't mean right now, just. In general you've been shutting me out. Any particular reason for that?"

"Nothing comes to mind."

Lance sighed. "So you're telling me you haven't been sitting across the table from me? And ignoring me when I ask if you're okay?"

"I'm just busy, Lance. It's no big deal."

"Fine, fine."

Lance walked away, upset that he couldn't get Keith to open up. He turned the corner to Keith's room, feeling lonely and wanting to lay in the soft smell of Keith's blankets. Until he noticed how unusually dark the aura of the room seemed.

It smelled metallic, like copper. Or more accurately, like blood. The room was dark, and cold. Keith usually had some sort of heat source going in his room.

It's almost like he wanted it to be cold. To make himself cold. Lance knew Keith hated the cold. It wasn't like him to make himself cold on purpose.

Disregarding the things that felt so... wrong, Lance moved on. Laying down on the soft bed, rolling over and inhaling the familiar scent. He smiled to himself. Regardless of how cold it was, Lance loved the scent of Keith. He smelled... well, for lack of a better word; safe.

"Lance, what are you doing in my room?" Keith's voice was cold and sharp.

"Laying in your bed, what does it look like?"

Keith hadn't turned on the light yet. "Get out."

"Jeez, pushy much. I wanted to cuddle!"

Keith walked forward, grabbing Lance by the wrist and dragging him out of the room. "I said get out." Lance stumbled backwards, as Keith's door closed. Mumbling to himself, he walked down the hallway absentmindedly.

"I wonder what his problem is.. he doesnt usually act like this."

It took two more weeks for Lance to confront Keith again.

They were in Lance's room, lights dim and arms wrapped around each other. Their jackets lay abandoned on the floor, as they kept each other warm under the blankets. Lance got his cuddle wish, I suppose. 

"Keith... I, I'm worried about you," He whispered the words into Keith's ear. 

Keith hummed in response. 

"You've been distant. Like, really distant. It's getting kind of scary? You haven't been yourself."

Keith shifted, sitting up and looking down at Lance. "I'm okay, if that's what you're asking. I've just been caught up in... you know, saving the universe?"

"It feels like more than that. It feels personal. You haven't been shutting anyone else out the way you've been doing it to me. Did I do something wrong?

"You... you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just... it doesn't matter."

Lance sat up, looking Keith in the eye. Keith turned, and his hair fell in his eyes. "It matters to me," Lance said. "I'm the one who's being shoved aside by my boyfriend, for fuck's sake. I want to-no, I need to know what's going on with you!" 

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