III. Counting Days

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Tuesday has come. I woke up to go to school. I didn't eat breakfast today. I don't have an appetite. I'm already late. I know, I wake up early and go to school late. I already got used to it. The teacher won't come early anyways. At lunchtime, Zly an I went to the canteen to do our routine. It became my routine now. It's not that crowded at this time, and I like it. I could see Jhin walking at the distance. Late as always. He went straight to Akemi. "Hi!" I murmured. He didn't hear it. He really changed. He's been attached to her ever since classes has started. Well, why do I care? I'm just his friend. A mere brother. I'm not his father or anything.  Well, meeting's adjourned. I  went back to the classroom. After class, me, Zlyghter, Jhin, and Xan are talking to each other. We were exchanging jokes, and laughing at random stuffs. There was a moment of silence until Jhin opened a topic. He looked at me and asked, "Are you leaving?" he's really serious, I know it.  We were all staring at each other. I give a fake laugh and answered his question. "Naah~ not now. Maybe next year?". We were all laughing. Deep inside, I'm thinking. He's not prepared. I know he doesn't care, but I don't want him to think about my situation too much. I want him to focus on Akemi. She's his prized possession. I got home. Still thinking about what happened earlier. I'm always worried about what's going to happen in the future. 

A.N.: If they're reading this. You know who you are. Hi!

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