IV. Rejected Hug

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"Hey Jhin!" I shouted at the hallway. He ran to me and asked me why. "You going to the place?" I mean the canteen.  "Maybe later." he replied. Good thing he noticed me today. We went to our classrooms. Lunchtime, we arrived at the place. I just go with them. I don't really go there to meet up with someone. Probably Raine, my dear bae is busy. Maybe with someone? Something? She knows what she's doing.  Well, I'll spend more time with them than anyone. Jhin's busy talking to Akemi, same as Zly is busy with Winter. The bell rang. It's time to go. I looked at Jhin and Akemi. Jhin reached his arms to Akemi attempting to hug her. In a split second, Akemi downwards causing Jhin's hug to get rejected. His face was in shock. I hid a little laugh. "I know what to do in this situation."  I said to myself as I walked close to him. I gave him a tight hug and Zly did too. We went back to our classrooms. 

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