I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(part two of Part 2)

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When we get on the plane I ask Caramel if I can sit alone. What?! I'm not being rude I just wanna sit by myself.

There's practically no one in this plane. I wonder if there's a reason for this. I sit by the widow and pull the cover thingy down. If I look out the window, I'll go crazy.

I take my IPod out my backpack, plug my earphones into my ears, and nearly blast my music in my ears. I close my easy and try to go to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stretch and yawn, opening my eyes.

"So you're awake." Says the circus freak from yesterday.

"Eww. I was hoping not to awaken to an unpleasant sight."

"I would watch it with the smart comments little girl."

No he didn't just call me little girl. I'm about to tell him to drop dead but then I change my mind. They could send me back.

I glare at him. "Ok what's going on?"

"Welcome to Mist Academy. The Mistress asked me to tell you to get dressed and then I have to lead you to the lunch room. Your uniform is right there.

He points to the chair where a really pretty Blue and white skirt and button up top lye.

"Ok." I get up and grab the uniform then I turn around to see him just standing there.

"Um excuse me."


"I need to change."

"Ok well why you can't go in the bathroom."

"Well why you can't go out in the hall."

"Because I don't want to."

"Well I don't wanna go in the bathroom."

"Just go."

GRRRR!! I glare at him and walk to the bathroom and slam the door.

"Stop slamming the doors!!" I hear him yell.

Sigh. I strip and put on the uniform. I hate pantyhose!! The good thing about this though is that I look so anime-ish!! Yay!!

I open the bathroom door.

Yes, sadly he's still there.

"Took you long enough."

"You know what?! I would like to see you squeeze in these pantyhose!!" A vision of that pops up in my head. Eww!

He rolls his eyes and opens my door and gestures for me to walk out before him. The place has a whole bunch of painting of angels. All of them beautiful, some are terrifying.

He leads me all the way to some double doors, I hear girls laughing screaming and giggling.

The dude opens the door to a huge lunch room. Everyone stops and stares at me.

This is awkward.

They all rise and curtsey.

"Welcome Kayoko!!" They all scream.

I smile. I've never felt so excepted in my life. I see Caramel wave at me and I grin and wave back.

Circus freak shoves me. "Go on." He says and then he slams the doors and leaves. What the hell!! He's allowed to slam doors but I'm not?!

"Kayoko!!" I hear Caramel scream. She's waving me over.


"Hey! Your finally awake. I want you to meet my best friend Rachel."

Rachel smiles at me. "I totally love your hair. I wish mine was white blonde."

I smile. "Thanks."

I sit quietly for a minute before and watch as everyone eats.

Rachel looks up at me. "Oh Gosh! Where are our manors? Do you want something to eat? They took the trays already but I'm sure if you ask..."

"I'm not hungry." I'm really not hungry, all though I didn't eat anything.

"Hey Caramel, how'd you get me off the plane?"

"Oh some boy carried you off."

A boy? "What did he look like?"

"Um, Black hair, light blue eyes, he looked about 16 or 17, he had a green shirt on...are you ok? You look a little pale."




"Hello! Earth to Kayoko! What's wrong?"

"I know that boy." I say slowly.

"Are you in Danger? Who was it?"

I shake my head. "He's......"

=P you guys know what to do!! Vote, comment and fan if you want me to continue. I know I suck for cliffhanging and makeing it really short but I tierd :( I wnna take a nap and then I'll write more and I'll l make it worth your wait!!-yours truly

I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^Where stories live. Discover now