I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 12)

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OK so I told ya I was gonna upload again. This was actually able to make me smile even though I my heart ultimately crushed like an hour ago...

but anyways

here ya go.

BTW: some of you are not gonna like this...especially if you're a Nick lover... But you gotta give Brandon a chance!!

-yours truly <3

Boys live to confuse me! I swear!

Right now I am so close to losing my brain to total insanity, I mean what the hell just happened?!

First of all I don't even like Brandon, not like that and not at all!

And second of all my body must not be connected to my brain because that would not have happened if it was.

Ok, Kayoko there has to be a rational way of dealing with this....


I know!! I can just ignore this whole situation.

Yah that could work!!

Or not...


I swear right now I wish I could turn my brain off and listen to music in my head, but instead my brain is about to blow.


"So Brandon, do you want me to finish kicking your ass in checkers or do you surrender."

What?! I couldn't think of anything else.

"Brandon Kyle never surrenders. Brandon just doesn't wanna play anymore."

"Mmhmm. Why is Brandon talking in third person?"

"Cause Brandon feels like it."

I laugh and shake my head.

"Ok well if Brandon doesn't wanna play checkers what does Brandon want to do."

"Brandon wants to figure something out..."

"Figure something-What?! Brandon what are you..."

My sentence, is rudely interrupted.

By what?

Well... Do you really wanna know?

If your answer is no..TOO BAD, I'm telling you anyways!!

My sentence is interrupted by Brandon's lips!

And as much as his kiss should be repulsing me into the pukeing stage of the century, it's not.

His kiss is sending making my stomach turn flips, it's sending shocking sensations throughout my whole body.

And then, he licks my bottem lip, begging to claim my mouth like no one has before.

The rational me is all : What the hell are you doing?!

But she's far away in the distance, I can barely hear her...

I open my mouth and his tongue enters my mouth.

I've never been kissed like this before, but I'm a very fast learner.

We kiss like, we've done it every day of our lives, like it's the normal thing to do.

Then he breaks the kiss,

I stare at him, he stares at me and my rational part of my brain returns.

And whoa, is she mad!

I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^Where stories live. Discover now