Chapter 40 - People Show You Who They Are

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Prince left very early this morning and I was way too sleepy to get up with him to say goodbye. Being pregnant has me in a constant state I lovingly termed, The Three H's - Hibernating, Hungry and Horrendously Horny. That man no more comes in a room and I'm on him, and he loves it I think.

I felt him peck me on the cheek before he left, and when I woke, there was a note on his pillow, "U are my life. ~ P"

Today he had to run mysterious errands and so that leaves me to my to do list which he hopes keeps me here at home, barefoot and attending two of the three H's...hibernation and satisfying my bottomless pit of a stomach.

Prince had Anna Campbell design my wedding dress, she's a talented designer out of Melbourne that has a casual yet sophisticated flair for designs. One of her assistants is coming today to do another fitting at noon. Prince thought that I would simply sleep in, eat and get ready for the day...and that's exactly what I did.

By mid afternoon, do or die came to mind. I need to make a decision about whether or not to invite my mother to our wedding. Things seem to be going so smoothly right now. I hate to think about jinxing it by involving my family, but I also don't want to regret it later. I really don't know if I'm inviting her, I think I'll decide based upon how the conversation goes.

Dialing my mother's number, I placed the phone on speaker and waited patiently for her to answer.

"Hello? Alessandra? Are you ok?"

"Yes mom. I'm good. How are you?"

"Honestly, I'm shocked that you called...but I'm glad you called."

"You are?"

"Yes you know it's been difficult with divorcing your Dad and..."

"WHAT?" You're getting a divorce?"

"Oh my yes Alessandra. I'm terribly sorry I thought you knew. Now that I think about it, I know that you don't because I was going to tell you on our trip to France, but then things got out of hand. You left unexpectedly and well I just assumed that Prince told you."

"Prince knows?"

"Yeah the night that you and Louis went to that work dinner dear. Prince and I went to dinner and I told him but did tell him that I wanted to tell you myself so please don't be mad at him. Oh and then he got my some mascara."

"Mom...who gives a shit about your lashes. I can't believe that you didn't tell me about this. Plus why would you tell Prince, first no less, someone that you've just met? That's just weird."

"Well now don't get in a snit. He's very easy to talk to ya know."

"Yeah mom I know. We're getting married."

"Yes dear when is that date? I hope I'm invited. I know France didn't exactly go as we all had hoped."

"What exactly did you hope for mom?"

"Well I'm not sure if I really hoped for anything in particular. I mean I thought you might get this rockstar out of your system and seek the comfort of a man that has so much more in common with you."

"Mom I thought that..."

"You thought I would bless this union? After that man made a fool out of me when he shunned me to coach on my flight back. Plus did you hear what he did to poor Louis? Flying him all over the U.S. in route back to Minneapolis?"

I heard Prince come in and he saw that I was on the phone. Quietly he said while giving me a kiss on the cheek, "Hey baby. How's my beautiful girl? I'll be in my office. Come find me when you're off the phone."

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