When I see something like "become a mermaid", when that means so much to me, I just right in with both feet and don't look back. I'm glad of that desicion, don't get me wrong, but it leads me into quite the quicksand. Fun, wonderful, beautiful quicksand. The next week or two is site after site, search after search, and spell after spell attempted with nothing happening. I try and try and try, and beleive so much, but nothing ever happens as the sites say. I start to think that spells don't work, and it's so dissapointing. Feeling lost, betrayed, I am about to give up when I see a name or a supposedly real mermaid. I've seen that before, but their stories have been so rediculous and pictures/videos so fake, that I almost ignore it. I go however, to check out this girl KissingMidnight. I see the pic, and I'm sold forever, not doubting again. "That tail couldn't be fake!". That thought swirls around my mind with excitement and hope like a hurricane. I read as fast as I could, more attently and curious then ever before. My next search is "Mermaid Shifting"
It takes me a while, but eventually I find a site. "MerPurity.webs.com". I eagerly click on f-shifting, the first stage, and am irritated to find I need to sign in to see a lot of the pages. I do understand, but I don't have patience AT ALL. It's just not something I do. But the waiting is unavoidable. While I wait, I look around for more sites. There aren't really any others I see, though! Shifting seems to be a therian thing, or to say it in a more understandable way, the werewolves. So my next search is for mermiad powers. I have seen on every site info about powers mers have. Yes it seems pretty out there, but I've been surprised before! Aerokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Atmokinesis, all the information from not only mermaid sites, but spiritual sites, and very well done, trustable sites. What to do though? Air control sounds like fun, but so does thermokinesis (temperature control). I fell I shouldn't do too many with other things going on, so I decide on aerokinesis to begin with, and then go from there.
While waiting for my membership to be approved, I get more and more into podcasts. Science podcasts (yeah, I know, I'm a geek) amaze me. I find "RadioLab", a beautiful podcast about science ranging from neurology to physics, to biology and phsycology. Even just interesting diseases and crazy scientists who puch the limits. "Professor Blastoff" is comedy while being science, and they all just start sucking away my sleep. That's how I got used to little sleep (And a quick insight on me, I mean, you need to get to know the main character eventually!)
One wonderful morning, I run to the computer after school and check my email. There it is. I click "Confirm", and I am officially "MermaidHope", a member of the site "MerPurity". That was the only good nickname I could think of, for Racheal doesn't really have any good abbriviations that I could use to avoid putting down my real name (which doesn't sound like such a good idea considering this is online for anyone to see, and I actually try to think about personal safety, if I remember to). Mermaid - what I'm becoming, followed by hope - Which I have much of now. Spells to transform you, praying, andything but this seems like such a beginner's game, and I feel so special. Like I'm in on a secret, and I intend on keeping it.
As I expore the site, I realize that the information is much different than what I've been seeing, but in a good way. Much more realistic, much less fandom-ness. The forums are fun to write on, the people are nice, and the princesses are in charge. It just seems like a fairy tale. It seems that it'll take time to complete my dream and make it all come true, but it'll be worth it.
Reaching Midnight
FantasyEvery little girl and boy has heard of mermaids. However, few know about their world beyond tv and books. Rachel always felt different, but there was nothing wrong with her life. Nothing, except that she was missing something. Researching pays off...