Well yeah its kinda a chapter, right?

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                                                                              -Time skip to end of school day-
Dream and Clay found Blue and are now talking with Ink about Error as Blue goes to find Dust and invite on an event him and his friends will be doing tonight

BB: "Dust! Dust! Dust, over here!"

Blue scream as he ran up to his new friend

Dust: "Oh, hey Blue, what is it?"

Blue suddenly grew quiet shy

Blue: "I was wondering if..you.. Wanted to come watch the star with me, my sister Clay, dream, ink Error, and Geno tonight"

Dust looked at Blue surprised and smiled charming

Dust: "I'd love to, blue bird~"

He said using his thumb and pointer finger to thrift Blue head up to look at his eyes

Blue: "u-uh, g-great"

Blue stammered while blushing as Dust put his hand down and smiled at Blue again

Dust: "well I gotta get to math class, see ya, blue bird!"

He said walked, Blue suddenly remembered something

Blue: "oh, And meet us in the forest!!!"

Dust turned around to look at Blue then did finger guns and a K-k sound with his mouth, Blue blushed then skipped off, he just couldn't wait for tonight

-time skip to tonight-


We all waited in the opening of the forest for Ink, Error, and Dust suddenly Ink and Error came run to us and Dust was with them

Ink: "Hey Blue, Hey Dream, hi Clay"

Ink nudged Error and said

Ink: "say hi"

Error sighed and said unwilling

Error: "Hi...."

Blue/Dream/Clay: "Hi Error!"

Me dream, and Clay all said together

Dustberry ((A undertale high School story))Where stories live. Discover now