Drama begins

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I walked down the hallways meetings presence with my former Middle School peers. But no sign of Blue. Heh, guess he couldn't stand to show his face after last year. *Bitchy little evil laugh* but I'll admit, I'm a little sad I won't get to mess with my favorite play toy. But at least he won't be in the way of what I have planned. Now where are mamas little proxy....we need to chat.


As soon as Swapfell came to put on her little show down the 3rd Fresh-Man HallWay ((hehe get it Fresh, heh, why)) Ink and Dream came running to me.

Ink: "Don't worry, Blue"

Dream: "We got you"

"Im fine" I answered "He can't just do anything on the spot"

SWAPFELL POV ((yep, again))

Oh, well, seems I will be able to have my fun this year. As I walked past her I gave her a smug smile and a glare. I see that whore is still hanging around with those two naive bitches. The whore and the bitches. I think I'll use that . As I continued down the hallway looking for those Glitches I love. I smiled as I spotted them hanging around some lockers all in a group. I forged with my sassy attitude up to them.

"How ya doin' boys"

They all looked up and smiled at me. Accept for Dust. He kept his head down. They all welcome me with a hey or a sup' as usual. Except for Dust.

"Oh, come on. Not gonna give mama a hug???"

I hugged all of them...or they hugged me and gave me one of those kisses on the cheeks when you don't really kiss the persons cheek. But Dust didn't, so I just let it pass. He's probably just being shy. I leaned against a locker right in the middle of their little group.

Nightmare: "What took ya so long, hon"

"Mamas flight home got rebooked do to bad weather"

They all nodded and were really reasonable about. I was recently at the suburban area of the underground for summer vacation. My step dad took me. He just spoils me ☺️!

Error: "So WHat The PLan???"

Error asked in his usual glitchy voice.

"We're not gonna talk here. We'll all meet at lunch alright. I'll cover our tarotory ((IDK😂)). Then we can discuss things.okay boys?"

They all nodded.

"Sweetness, I'll see you babies later, mamas gotta get her schedule and study books"

I gave all of them fake kisses and went off my way to Vice Principal Temmie's office.

((Hehe, well, we all know we've got drama and more Vice Principal Tem :3. But is it weird I listen to "Jum up, super star" from Super Mario Oddoseye and half of a K$sha album along with "Chainsaw" The Glitches theme :|
Welp, until next tem meh dudes, BUH BOI))

Dustberry ((A undertale high School story))Where stories live. Discover now