How often would a Creator fall for the Destroyer

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         (( okay so my plan is to update every other day sorry forgot to mention that in the first chapter, I might not update right away like my plan is because I'm spending a few days at my grandparents house cause it was recently my b-day so sorry bout that and ENJOY THE NEXT CHAP BUH BOI!!!))

                                                                                                BLUE POV

I walked through the gate way to the school yard looking around for Clay and Dream, Clay is my sister (mediformcaliy)((sorry if I spelt that wrong)) And she's been crushing on Dream since DAYCARE, I looked around more and saw Clay and Dream talking sitting under the cherry blossom tree, I immediately ran up to them "Hey guys!!!" I shouted in excitement

Clay and Dream: BLUE

They ran up to me as I was run and we basically ran in each other, we clunked skulls and fell down on the grass, we just sat there holding our skulls then started laughing, "I missed you guys!"

Clay: " We missed you too!"

Clay exclaimed and, Dream nodded in agreement with Clays comment

Dream: "m-hm!"

I giggled and suddenly realized something "hey, where's Ink?"

Dream: "oh yeah about that, ya know that Error we fought like all~ summer?"

"Yeah" I replied hesitantly

Dream: "And remember when he kidnapped Ink?"

I was about to charge off to the rescue when Dream stopped me

Dream: "wait wait wait wait wait, Inks fine, he's over there"

I looked to the direction Dream pointed and gasped " What is Ink doing with Error!!!????"

Dream: " There kinda a thing now"

Dream said with a nervous in his voice, the pupils in my eyes went small ".....D-d-d.....DATING, ooooh no, no, no, no, no, So your saying Ink the CREATOR, fell for Error the DESTROYER" dream took a deep and whined out

Dream: "yes?"

"No no no this is bad, very very bad" I worried

Dream: "I agree but maybe, maybe, Inks trying to get information or turn Error..idk....good"

"Hmmm, I guess but....Idk, I'm gonna talk to Ink at lunch Dream, I suggest you join me" I said

Dream: "m-hm!"

Clay cleared her throat in hope of me and Dream noticing of course I knew what she was doing and looked at her " what's wrong Clay?"

Clay: "oh nothing, it's just the fact the my brother forgot my EXISTENCE"

I closed my eyes her volume raised and Dream did the same "o-oh I-I'm s-sorry Clay, would you like to join?"

Clay: "oh no, you guys are best friends you have your fun, besides if you really wanted me to come you would of asked in the first place so, go on, not like I don't have things to do, WHICH I DONT"

Clay stormed off after her little tantrum, I loved my Clay dearly but she is rather....sensitive

Dream: " well....."

" well....." Me and Dream both stared at each other then at Clay, (who was now talking to Alterswap Tori) then back at each other, me Dream then was going to be a long year

((Hewwo! Hewwo! Sorry this chapter was so short I'm just kinda trying to put this story together but I will update soon, BUH BOI, oh and before I leave don't worry Dust will be added to the story in the next chap along with Ink, Error, Horror and Nightmare))

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