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Life was just full of coincidences. The day after Anne had a breakdown over being evicted from their house she got a phone call that was so important she screamed about when it came in. Harry was asleep and it wasn't the nicest wake up call.

"Wait, so I've got the job?"

Anne slammed her hand down on the kitchen table while also trying to cover the microphone of her cell phone. The phone buzzed with a response but she was in too much of a shock to hear. Her dream job. She's only been in her current profession for around ten years and she is already being offered the dream job of her field.

Suddenly the noises continue forcing Anne to shove the phone back to her ear. 'When could she begin?' That was the only question during this phone interview that she was dreading. Of course if she got the job. The new office would be two hours into the city away from their cozy country home.

"I could probably make it by the end of this month. The beginning of next for sure."

It was already the second week of May, so it would sorta be pushing it if they asked for anything less.

The woman's voice on the other line slowed down for a second. Seemed to waver with doubt. She still continued on though. The lady explained how the position was hers and that were ready for whenever she could get in the area.

Anne hung up the phone and almost immediately rung up her landlord. She wanted to laugh in his face for being such an asshole previously. They were moving for real.

In her mess of excitement she was quick to log into her laptop and go straight to Facebook. Everyone was still granting her condolences from the recent death but she could care less now. Facebook is the place to gloat about your life and that is exactly what she did.

Anne definitely didn't expect one of her old college friends to message her back. After around an hour of steady typing and a genius conversation, she had a game plan.

They would be staying with one of her friend until they could get up on their feet again. Anne couldn't have been more excited
for the future if you told her she had won ya million bucks. This was her life now and she was happy.

Harry however, loathed every day leading up to the move. His mum hadn't even told him where they're going so at the moment he has absolutely nothing to look forward to. Packing wasn't fun, and moving all the boxes around made his back hurt. Even the move itself was a three hour drive to a place he's yet to research with people he's probably only met when he was a baby.

The car ride was painfully boring only to come to the realization that they were just going to have to unpack again and never go back. The car ride gave him a lot of time to think, and also a lot of time to fall asleep.

Harry was awoken to the sound of squealing and his car door being flung open. It was too bright outside for his eyes to adjust and the outside felt like an entire new climate.

Groggily he undid his seatbelt and sat up to be met at eye level with bright eyes, bleach blonde girl. Out of instinct he reached over to the driver seat only to feel it empty.

"Are we here?" Like they would randomly be pulled over in front of a towering green house just out of luck.

The girl grabbed his wrist and tugged lightly. She was really short and was pretty childish looking, she probably couldn't be over twelve. When Harry didn't budge she huffed and stomped.

"Your mum's waiting for the tour," she whined leaning against the open car door.

"You've been in here sleeping for long enough. Everyone wants to meet you."
Harry eyed her for a second, but there really wasn't anything else he could do. He hauled himself out of the car along with everything he had in the front seat with him and made his way up the long path to the door.

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