Chapter 3: Bad First Impression

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"Kathleen, Cherry, bring it together! Make sure you have an excellent time at Malory Towers, but remember to let Miss Grayling know of any problems. You should have an excellent time and I can't wait to see you at half - term!" Felicity kissed them lightly on their cheeks before waving goodbye.

"Goodbye, Auntie!" Cherry grinned, looking forward to the first half of the term. She was really excited to tell her mother and aunt all about it and how it had changed.

"We will behave as best as we can! Don't worry about us!" Kathleen giggled and joined her class mates. Soon Miss Rivers was gone from sight. "Come on, sis! Let's make a good first impression!"

"Hello!" Cherry walked to the front of some girls. "Golly, I cannot wait until class starts!" A few of the new girls looked around. They eyed up the way these twins had made their school uniform rather pretty. They both had long brown ponytails fixed with gem covered bows. 

"How are you all then?" the other sister asked, obviously not caring at all in the slightest. 

"You sure you want to know what we've been up to? It might spoil your look of this school." The girls turned their backs on the twins and walked away.

"That didn't go at all to plan!" 

"Oh well." The twins walked off too.

Cherry heard something that made her shiver, "Those twins shall not be the centre of attention. And they better get used to it."

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