Out of the Park! (Bickel)

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There was another party at Hotel OJ, but this time, all the eliminated contestants were invited from season 2. To Baseball, that meant to see Nickel. He smiled at the thought of seeing his best friend and telling him how he fe-no! Nickel was his friend. Wasn't he?

Baseball walked downstairs to the party, deep in his thoughts. That is until.."Hey Baseball, my man!" Nickel called out to the bigger ball. Baseball recognized that voice immediately and walked happily towards Nickel. "Hey man! It's so good to see you. You have no idea what it's like without you to A. Keep the alliance together, and B. To help me keep the team in check. It's been wicked hard." Baseball shook his head. "Well, at least we have our time together now." Nickel said with a blush-wait, BLUSH? Baseball blushed as well, thinking of the other's blush.

They hung out and talked until Baseball cleared his throat. "Hey Nickel, can I uh, talk to you outside?" He gestured to the cliff where Balloon and Suitcase always sat. Nickel nodded. "Sure!"
The two walked to the cliff in silence, both contemplating their thoughts. Little did the bigger guy know, but Nickel had felt the same emotions towards him, but just never showed it because he was afraid of his friend's reaction.

When they made it, the duo sat upon a rock, close to each other. "Baseball, you go first. You wanted to come here in the first place. Tell me what's up." Nickel said with a reassuring smile on his face. Baseball, melting over Nickel's smile, could barely manage to get out a single word until he calmed down. "Nickel, I know we've been friends for a while, and I don't really want to ruin that, but..I've been thinking of you more than just friends.." He looked away. "Baseball, are you telling me you're-" Nickel was cut off by the other, "Yes. I am. For..for you." Nickel blushed and looked at Baseball, smiling. "You know I..I am too.." The smaller coin said.

Baseball turned to Nickel and swooped in for a kiss, making it passionate. The coin returned it, the same passion given. "I love you..man.." Nickel smirked. Baseball laughed and kept the other close. "I love you too man." They sat there for the rest of the night.

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