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     Fayala stood before the gathering letting the full effect of  her imposing visual spectacle play out on the celebrants kneeling before her. She slowly reduced the intensity of the light that emanated from her gleaming form. This created an iridescent glow that evoked a reaction of wonder and astonishment from the people. She slowly raised her arms allowing more of her shimmering gown to unfold and hang loosely about her increasing the chromatic effect of glistening fabric.

Following the lead of the priestess the people prayed;

"Oh Great Goddess, Bless this day and keep us safe and whole."

"Oh Great Goddess, Bless our path and help us to act on your wisdom."

"Oh Great Goddess, Bless your people and all life on this Earth."

     Fayala responded in a commanding yet melodic voice, "be well my children, bless this day and all who live in it. Breathe in the energy that connects all things, allow your body to be caressed by Nature, fill your lungs with the eternal breath and your senses with the joy of being alive, fill your heart with gratitude for each moment."

     Looking down at the young couple Fayala beckoned them forward. They approached and placed their offerings of fresh fruit on the altar to her right and scented flowers on the stone altar to her left. Fayala lowered to one knee and placed her cupped hands palm up before them. The groom took his bride by her hand and helped her step into Fayala's palms then joined her. They both knelt as Fayala stood, carefully lifting the young couple high above the temple floor.

     Fayala smiled upon the betrothed who were trying to steady themselves in her hands. She could see by the sour expression in bride's face that she was experiencing a bit of queasiness which is not unusual the first time being lifted up like this. She psychically calmed them with a peaceful feeling of bliss before proceeding as nothing ruins a marriage ceremony like a queasy couple.

     Fayala nodded for the couple to begin.

Taking in a deep breath they cited the ritual prayer; "We place ourselves in your hands oh Goddess so that you may examine the truth in hearts and in our minds so that we may discover the faithfulness in our intentions."

    Fayala closed her eyes. A soft bluish light extended out from her mind and encompassed the couple. Carefully, cautiously, Fayala created an intimate psychic connection that allowed them to look into each others consciousness and see the true nature of their feelings towards one another.

     For many this is very emotional experience as this is the first time their most private thoughts and feelings are exposed not only to the Goddess but to their intended. Every personal aspect of their lives is laid bare to be experienced and understood by their partner.

Fayala also examined their emotions and aspirations then presented this to the bride and groom in a personal counseling session where all deceptions and preconceived notions are stripped away. Only after Fayala is assured that no secrets or fallacies exist between the couple does she end the session. Lowering to one knee she gently placed the couple on the floor.

     The Priestess presented a braided cord made from strands of Fayala's hair.  Each took an end into their hand. The Priestess asked the couple if there are any reservations to this union,  let it be broken now. If either had released their end of the chord the ceremony would be ended and the marriage cancelled.

     Both ends of the chord are held firmly, Arnatt and Polena look at each other, smiled and touched their foreheads together indicating an acceptance of each others faults and frailties. Fayala raised her hands skyward and allowed her essence to encompass them as she blessed and sanctified the marriage;

"I am the Goddess of this Earth,"

"I am the Womb that nourishes all,"

"I am the Giver of all good things,"

"I am the Mother of all living things,"

     Fayala lowered her hands and excited the photosensitive cells in her palms causing them to emit an ethereal blue light that shined down on Arnatt and Polena;

"I bless these my children with fertility and happiness."

     Fayala smiled down upon her people, turned and walked to her inner sanctum. Her priestesses followed, the servants closed the huge doors behind her.  The wedding party stood when the head priestess bade them to do so. They followed her out of the temple back on to the old road. Once at the village the celebration began in earnest.

There was much merriment, music, dancing and wine, though not all are in a celebratory mood.


A group of men had broke away from the celebration. They attended the wedding ceremony at the temple and now huddled together in a dingy pub. They conversed in low tones over a secluded table drinking honey mead from metal worked mugs.

"Parlor tricks," whispered one, "nothing but parlor tricks."

"Well damn convincing to me," responded a heavy set man downing the last of the sweet drink in his mug. "And did you see into that inner sanctum of hers?" He added signaling for the waitress to bring another round, "I swear it gleamed like it was covered in gold and silver."

     "Well I for one am damn tired of that giant bitch telling me what I can and cannot cut down on my own land, do you know how much those giant old growth trees are worth," another retorted.

"We are not the only ones who feel this way," slurred the third member of the disgruntled group slamming his mug down on to the table. "There are many who have had it with her priestesses meddling in our affairs. Soon very soon, we will take that inner sanctum and rid ourselves of this Earth Goddess."

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