Madame Red ?!

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Sebastian Pov
While the young master,alois where asking of anyone had seen (y/n) me and cluade searched outside. I saw a man in the forest carrying her somewhere. I told cluade to get my young master and his and meet me to the location they where heading. 'No one is going to take MY (y/n) from me'  I said in my head
(Y/n)'s Pov
When i woke up I was tied up and a man just put me down in a chair in a dark ally. Last thing i remember was i was walking to the restroom until i bumped into a man then next thing i know i was out. I had a muffle on my mouth before i could even move the man said,"okay i brought you her,now let my daughter go!",the man said with a serious voice. Then from the shadows a little girl came out running from the shadows yelling "DADDY!" (Not in that way -////- ) she ran in the mans arms as he yelled out "BELLA!!" in joy. I kinda felt a little bit of joy as i seen them walking away. Then i turn my attention to the shadows where a man...woman thing came out. Then next to it was....'MADAM RED?!' I thought as she glared daggers at me. "So your the queens raven ?" "Hah you look like nothing but a little rat!" the thing next to madam red said as it undid the muffle on my mouth. "Madam Red whats going on ?" she just stood there looking at me with a blank stare. "I'll tell you what your here for deary... YOU STOLE MY BASSY FROM ME!!" before i could even protest it pulled out a chainsaw and said "no one steals my man~" while pointing the weapon at me. I got the knife that was hidden in my dress and cut the ropes and moved out the way. Just at that momment i felt a hand and appeared on my shoulder,I turned around and put the knife to their neck with their hand behind their back. The next thing i heard made me sigh in relief to hear a familiar voice " hello Ms.(Y/n) its nice to see that you know how to take care of yourself" you turn to see Sebastian. You sigh and let go "oh~sorry Sebastian" then just after those words Cluade appears with Alois and Ceil. "(Y/NNNN)!" Alois yells abd hugges you. You laugh a little then turn your attention to the two. Then Madam red says " you handle the butlers and ill handle the three brats" as she pulls out a knife. Ceil and Alois say " THIS IS AN ORDER KILL HIM!" thats a guy?! Anyway the three of us try to convince Madame red to stop but she just won't listen. I sigh "well the hard way it is...." I take off my dress to reveal my shorts (like reagular shorts) and shirt. I step infront of Ceil and Alois ready to face madam red she then lunges at me with her dagger. I doge the attack and the third one i knocked the knife out of her hand. I pont my dagger at her saying "its over Madam red" in a stern voice. After Sebastian and Cluade finished with that thing. We took madam red to the authorities and she was put in jail.
Ceil ,Alois, Cluade and Sebastian Pov

Well this took a while hopefully i will get another update Tomorrow well gn 😜

The queen's raven (Sebastian X Ceil X Reader X Alois X Cluade) Where stories live. Discover now