Chapter Five: "I Will be Well"

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"AAAAH!!!" Autumn gave a startled shriek.

The boy flinched slightly at the sharp noise. "Can...can you please not scream in my ear?" He paused for a second, still weak. "Yes, that would be lovely."

Grogginess falling like a weight from her shoulders, Autumn felt overjoyed. "Y-you're awake! Oh thank god."

The raven-haired child spoke again, eloquent, yet weary. "I noticed." He seemed to be in a bit of pain, wincing as he tried to move his head about. "I take it this is your abode then? Very nice." More attempts at movement were made as he looked intently around the room, studying how Autumn arranged it and kept her things as if to gain insight into her personality. He smiled faintly, yet strangely, as if he was more pleased by the insights themselves than the room's aesthetics.

Autumn didn't notice this. "Thank you."

"Wait." She spoke relatively firmly, almost cutting herself off. "You...spoke to me. When you were asleep, I mean."

"Unconscious." He corrected.

"Well, yes. That's what I meant."

He retorted with a bit more speed. "I'd wager you conjured up the words on your own. The mind does strange things when it's afraid. Don't think too much of it; you'll frighten yourself even further."

"Should I get help then? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, no. I'm quite alright."

"Oh...ok." She followed up on her reply. "What's your name?" The action had him look to the side for a brief moment before speaking.

"Jack. Jack Carosello."

"Jack." Autumn raised both of her brows. "I just gotta say, you speak so well for a kid. I've only ever heard someone who's an adu-adult. A-"

Then it hit her, Blondie's words echoing in her mind.

"Just before he died, he turned himself into a little kid."

She could only think of one way to see...

"Where did you learn to talk like this?"

He looked off into the distance.

"Family, that's where. My parents are strict people, upstanding. Even from someone my age, they expect nothing short of pure excellence."

Jack's eyes darted about briefly, and he bit his lip, as if thinking. "We've spent hours upon hours on the art of formal speech. I've always found it to be excessive, but my perspective is officially changed; thank you."

His words were like shotgun pellets in the air, hitting her questions like birds in flight, birds that he wanted out of the air at all costs.

"You're welcome, I guess." The response soothed her worries simply a bit, but somewhat enough.

Jack mapped out the emotions in her eyes, retaining a cool, calm air in his own.

He looked at Autumn and spoke again.

"What is your name?"


He smiled at her response. "Autumn? Well, that's quite the name. Almost as go-" He cut himself off, pupils shrinking slightly.

Autumn's eyes widened. "What? Are you--is something-"

He blinked. "No no, it's alright. Disregard that, it's unimportant."

But it brought her little ease. "Did something happen?" Jack looked back at his red-haired acquaintance.

"Autumn, I absolutely must be back on my feet as soon as possible." There was fear in his eyes.

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