Chapter 14: Ingredients

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[Previously on CTCS4WM:]

It wasn't enough that Chrissy had given the name back. It was outrageous that it had taken so long! It was insane, the lengths LilMizKiki had had to go to show Chrissy the truth. How dare Chrissy make her visit her IRL and do all this work, just to fix a problem Chrissy never should have caused in the first place? And then to not acknowledge at all any of LilMizKiki's hard work? To continue to be terrible on the internet without remorse? It was unconscionable. There were limits. Clearly Chrissy Teigen refused to learn.

Every fiber of Chrissy's being was wrong and terrible, an affront to decent, sensible people.

She needed to be fixed, swiftly and without hesitation.

It was no longer enough to prove her wrong. Chrissy Teigen had to be stopped. Permanently.

LilMizKiki_321 focused every last bit of her energy on how utterly wrong and terrible Chrissy Teigen was. Her anger swirled and raged and grew, extending out from her timeline in every direction. It swept out across Twitter like a brush fire, scorching all who came into contact with it. Anyone who felt her anger, anyone who engaged with it, was subsumed by it, became part of it, until at last LilMizKiki_321 was no longer just one perfect and correct being: she was an army of truth. And then she did what armies are best at: she went to war.


For the third day in a row Kendall woke up screaming. She hadn't left her room, hadn't spoken to anyone. She was furious at everyone around her and couldn't deal with the idea of having to see any of them. Not Chrissy, not the other models, not anyone. They had all lied to her, been tricking her, been making her try to be something she wasn't.

And why? For what? What was the real truth? That she was a witch? And that all the Kardashian sisters were and somehow she was late to the party, the only one that didn't know it? It was insane. What even was real? There was another angle here, something unseen. Jealousy. Those who claimed to be her family and friends united against her, trying to get her to act crazy. Trying to keep her locked up, hidden out of the way. Making her take this fake cooking class? Which was clearly intended to be some kind of therapy, an intervention. So OK it wasn't Timberline Knolls, but the effect was the same. Get her out of the public spotlight where she'll stop embarrassing us with her episodes. The fainting on the runway at Alexander McQueen. It wasn't her fault. She probably hadn't eaten enough, it was very stressful, fitting into those outfits, having to always worry about literally every thing she put in her body. So of course they send her to cooking school, where there's a freaking wall of snacks? Temptation around every corner. That was it. Jealousy. They were trying to sabotage her.

She felt the rage growing inside her, threatening to spill out. A force that needed to be expelled, this hatred that would shoot out in every direction and wipe this world clean. She wanted to let it happen. It felt familiar, it felt safe. The way it had at the McQueen show, the way it had felt, briefly, she suddenly remembered, that time in the pantry, before she blacked out...

Kendall heard it again, the sound that must have woken her up. A distant crash, like a person falling through a wall. The diatribe inside her mind went mute and Kendall listened. A scream. An explosion. And then more screams, from a number of people.

There was something happening. Someone was in trouble.

She got out of bed and opened her door, poking her head out. The hallway was empty but the sounds were clearer now. A fight. No, something worse. A battle.

She padded quietly in her bare feet down the hallway. The doors to the other girls' rooms were all flung open, the rooms empty, as though everyone had rushed off in a hurry. Where was everyone. Were they OK?

Chrissy Teigen's Culinary School for Wayward Models (Cravings fic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now