Chapter 6

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Mossypaw woke up by someone prodding her in the ribs. Her eyes fluttered open to see Leopardpaw standing over her. Mossypaw yawned, "What is it?"

Leopardpaw cocked her head to the entrance of the den. "Clan meeting," she purred.

Mossypaw sighed before hauling herself to her paws. The den was empty, only Wildpaw snoring loudly, sleeping in an awkward angle with his jaws open and drool slowly pouring out. "What time is it?" Mossypaw murmured as she shook her pelt.

Leopardpaw shrugged. "Sometime around sunhigh, I think," she mewed before glancing at the silver tabby and white apprentice. "I only just woke up, just like you," she mewed before nudging her. "I'll wake up that furball," she mewed and flicked her tail to her brother before dropping into a battle crouch.

Mossypaw snorted. "I'll tell Jayfeather to get some cobwebs ready in case you get clawed," Mossypaw teased the spotted she-cat. Leopardpaw purred with amusement, flicked Mossypaw's ears with her long tail before slowly drawing herself forward to her brother.

Mossypaw ducked out of the den just when Wildpaw let out a fearsome screech. Leopardpaw flashed past her with excited yet scared squeals. Wildpaw burst after her, legs stiff with fury. Anger sparked in the depths of his eyes and he looked like a giant angry kit with his fluffy pelt bushed out.

Wildpaw glared at her before striding past her, tail lashing furiously. Mossypaw snorted before bounding over to where Ravenpaw sat beside Firemoon and Bluepaw.

Firemoon and Ravenpaw were mewing something to each other while Bluepaw was tearing impatiently at the grass with her claws. Goldenpaw, Blackpaw and Nightpaw were whispering something to each other while their sister, Crowpaw, sat still and quietly beside them, gazing up at Fernstar who stood on the highledge. Frostpaw and Brackenpaw were tussling while Brackenpaw and Wingpaw watched on.

Leafheart lay outside the nursery with Finchkit and Dawnkit tussling beside her. Snowkit was sitting quietly, staring up at Fernstar.

Cloudtail was coughing inside the elders' den and Brightheart tried to hurry out. Their daughter, Whitewing, rushed past them and wove her way through the crowd towards Jayfeather and Featherheart. She mewed something briefly to them. Jayfeather pricked his ears before turning around and disappearing into his den. He appeared a moment later with a bunch of herbs in his jaws and sprinted across the clearing with Whitewing following stiffly with worried eyes.

Mossypaw pricked her ears. What was that all about? She wondered. Shrugging, she turned her head up as Fernstar began the meeting.

"Today we have several young cats that are ready to become warriors," she mewed proudly. "And three kits that are ready to become apprentices."

Flowerkit let out a shrill shriek of excitement and bolted from her mother's grasp. Hazelwhisker stiffened up with surprise. She hauled herself to her paws as Spiderleap came hurrying over. "But, Fernstar," she mewed with a high-pitched voice as she looked down at Lionkit and Shinekit. "They're not old enough to become apprentices yet." Lionkit groaned but Shinekit sat still in front of the nursery entrance.

"But they're big, Hazelwhisker, and they look like they're ready to become apprentices," Fernstar reasoned with her. She flicked her tail at Flowerkit, who was fidgeting with excitement. "It wouldn't be fair for Flowerkit to wait a whole moon for Lionkit and Shinekit to reach their sixth moon. And it's not fair for Lionkit and Shinekit to watch Flowerkit become an apprentice without them," Fernstar told her.

Hazelwhisker sighed and leaned into Spiderleap. "I guess you're right, Fernstar," she murmured.

Fernstar nodded before beckoning forth Flowerkit, Lionkit and Shinekit.

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