When Sidon left it had only just turned half past five but this seemed like the perfect time to unwind. With a new goal, you began to swivel your head looking for the perfect way to relax. A big structure at the end of the eastern bridge, just past the construction area. You weren't actually all too sure what it was, so why not go find out?
One of the Zora guards greeted you on your way there.
"Going to check out the houses?" She asked a cheerful smile on her face.
"Yeah, but what is that big thing over there?"
"That is the eastern dam. Vah Ruta used to reside within the waters there."
"Eastern dam? Is it safe to go there?"
"Indeed. There is a set of stairs leading up to it if you want to go. There is also a bed there should you want to stay there overnight."
"That's so cool! Thank you."
"No problem. Enjoy your time here." She grins and continues her duties. The Zoras are so kind. Aspen seems to appear out of nowhere to go with you.
"Hi Aspen. Where have you been all day?" She just looks over to Ploymus Mountain.
"Really? Ploymus Mountain? It's dangerous up there." You deadpan. Aspen looks as sheepish as a dog can be. You shake your head. "Come on, let's go up there." Aspen only pants in response.
The journey there is quite enjoyable with your four legged friend by your side. She chases bugs and runs ahead of you so she can try to catch her tail before you catch up to her. One time she actually catches her tail and instantly looks like her life has lost meaning now that the great dog question has been answered, 'Can I catch my tail?'. She bucked up when you stroked her head though. The stairs brought a burning to your legs you hadn't felt in while and you were a little out of breath when you reached the top. The view was really what took your breath away. Sparkling water and the beautiful architecture that only the Zoras can manage to pull off. The mountains shined from the setting sun and the lamps were only just starting to buzz to life, it was truly a moment you wouldn't mind staying in.
You approached the end of the little dock like area and plonked yourself down. Aspen joined you, lying down and putting her head on your lap. You slipped your shoes off and dipped your feet into the water. It was refreshingly cool and you just enjoyed the moment. The wind through your hair, the water carressing your face. It was just such a peaceful time, why couldn't it always be like this? Bubbles on the surface caught your attention and you whipped to your feet, grabbing a small dagger from the holster at your hip. Aspen growled, a protective stance just a little to the side of you. A tense minute passes by before something red bursts out from the water and flips over your head, you spin and see the red thing land behind you. It also turns to you and you find it to only be Sidon.
"Sidon, you scared me!"
"I'm dreadfully sorry! I was checking the temperature of the water."
"It's fine, it's fine." You repeat, mostly to yourself, holstering your weapon and placing a hand over your frantic heart.
"I truly am sorry. I was only carrying out my princely duties." He pats your head, as you are significantly smaller than him.
"I'm just mainly worried for if I had stabbed and then looked, I could have seriously injured you."
"I'm sure you could, so I'm glad also. Again, I do apologise. Before I go, how have you enjoyed the domain so far?"
"It is such a beautiful place, honestly. I guess I might also really like it as a I prefer cold places to hot ones. It's easy to get warmer but incredibly hard to become cold."
"It's easy to get warmer but incredibly hard to become cold." You both said, at the same time. A look of shock was thrown onto your faces, before you were overcome with laughter once more.
"I'm glad you understand."
"How could I not?" You giggle.
"I must go now, I'm afraid, duty calls."
"Yeah that's fine, don't strain yourself, OK?" Sidon chuckles.
"My duties are not taxing, do not worry."
"Yeah, but I mean don't stay up too late, doing whatever it is that you do. I don't want you to over exert yourself." Sidon just stares at you for a moment unsure of what to say. He blinks at you, but you have turned to watch the rest of the sunset.
"Yes, thank you. Please don't stay up too late as well. I will be going now."
"Ok, see you later." You turn to him and wave. Sion isn't sure if it's your natural glow or the sunset behind you but all of a sudden you look more radiant than anyone he's ever seen.
"Yes, I will-" Sidon blanches a little as his voice cracks slightly. "Uh, see you later." He spins on his heel and walks away, he looks back to you a few more times, but you've turned back to the sunset. A breath that could only be described as a shudder leaves him while he goes down the stairs. What in Hyrule were you?
Meanwhile, you sat on the edge of the peer once more and fiddled with your ears. You had always been told they were deformed, so you hid them behind your hair, they were rounded, not pointed. This had confused many when you were a child but ultimately, they forgot about it. You were glad though, you'd never met anyone with deformed ears before so being the only one to be criticised that way was tough. Maybe you should go get them checked out...

Sidon X Reader
FanfictionYou are a part of Zelda's army and her own Royal Guard. You are entrusted with the responsibility of helping to protect the Zora domain. You have a rare 'deformity' that could mean there will be a lot more for you to do and see.