My Little Brother

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Summery: Emily is Dan's older sister. He tells her everything, at least that's what she thought ...

Warnings: None, unless you're scared of older sisters or something

POV: Emily

"Emily! Come look at my wall!"

Dan is my little brother. I'm 2 years older than him. We share the same interests; we like the same bands, we have similar wardrobes, and we play the same games.

I walked into Dan's room.

"What did you want to show me?"

"Look!" Dan pointed to the wall where nothing stood. I scanned the wall carefully. Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Muse, My Chemical Romance, they were all there.

"How long did this take you?" I asked

"About an hour" Dan stated proudly.

"Em! Dan! Dinner's ready!" Mum called.

Me and Dan battled to the death to get to the stairs first, where we then sat down and slid down them, before sliding across the shiny wooden floor in our socks to the table.

After dinner, which was Chicken Tikka Masala, me and Dan went back to our rooms. I don't really know what Dan does in his room. Homework maybe? Nah he never does homework. That's 16 year olds for you. I'm currently 18 and in college, meaning I spend most of my time studying. But in my free time I watch YouTube videos. AmazingPhil pacifically. I watched his first video called "My Video Blog" in 2006 and have since been obsessed. Me and Dan tell each other EVERYTHING, but I've never told him about Phil. He might laugh at me, Phil is just the guy with the hair from YouTube, I'd never actually meet him.

*time skip: 2 months*

I was studying when I heard a note slide under the door. A biro soon followed. I sat down on the floor and read it.

'Emily, can we go to the den? It's okay if you need to study, just tell me when you're not busy.

- Dan

P.S. it's important'

I turned the paper over and wrote

'I'll be there in 5

- Em'

I slid the note under the door, closed my revision book, turned Fall Out Boy off, got a chocolate bar from under my pillow and made my way to the den.

In our garden we have 2 big willow trees. When we were little, our Dad made us a wooden house among the leaves that hang down. Since then we have filled it with pillows, 2 beanbags, shelves for snacks, and some stuffed toys.

I opened the door to find Dan sitting in his blue beanbag. I sat down on my pink one and opened the chocolate.

"Where did you get that?" Dan asked.

"Luke brought some to school and gave it to me" I replied.

"I'll add that to my mental list of ways to flirt" Dan laughed.

"Oh shut up!" I punched his arm playfully, "what did you need to tell me?"

Dan's face fell.

"You can't tell anyone about this" he said sternly.

"I promise" I said, braking the chocolate bar in half and giving some to Dan.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. I'm telling you first because I feel you will understand.

I want to tell Mum and Dad but I'm not sure how they will react. First I need to ask you something." Dan paused. "What is your opinion on homosexuality?"

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