It Was Good Until It Lasted

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A/n- Honestly I wasn't planning on updating until the morning but I posted it for cindyrella_t because she asked me too and I gotta show her some luv  so y'all got her to thank😂🤗😎❤

Hope y'all enjoy❤❤❤

These past couple weeks Da Bin and I have been starting over like we said we would. He's been taking me out, we relax at my place like  a normal couple should. The funny thing is a week ago I introduced him to my mom finally. She started freaking out because of course she knew who he was, she nearly had a heart attack already because she found out Akira was with Zico already and meeting him almost took the cake.I can't be more happy than I am now but I haven't heard from Jay since that night he told me he was leaving and he hasn't even answered any of my calls or texts. It May be for the best but I still feel bad about leading him on.
"Okay everyone thats all for today. You all did great but dont forget we have a performance this Friday. I hope you guys improve your dance while you have free time so we can give it our best. I'll see you tomorrow." I just finished my dance rehearsal for my class. We're going to perform for the first time outside of our dance classes and I can't wait. I told the class that I was looking into making our classes into a serious thing, like going to dance competitions and maybe someone will look at the talent we have. Some thought the idea was crazy but most stayed and thought it was great. Da Bin left for Korea a few days ago so that he could do some shows and  go see his family, he asked if I wanted to go along but I have too much here going on as much as I'd love to though. I packed my things and headed to my car so I could go home and enjoy the rest of my evening off. I think I'll probably go to bed early though.
I parked my car in the drive way but there is some one standing by my front door. I  grabbed my bag and got out the car and the person's back is turned to me and it looks familiar. I walked closer." Hey, can I help you?!" Oh shit. The person turned around and it's Jay. I dropped my bad and ran up to him. I hugged him tightly and I felt like I was gonna cry. He still hasn't said anything. I looked up at him and he was just staring at me." Jay where have you been? Is everything okay? You haven't even been answering my calls." I let him go and backed away." Yeah I'm okay, I was just busy thats all. I just came by to see if you was okay." I nodded and grabbed my bag from off the ground." Okay come in and tell me all about your trip." I grabbed my keys out my bag and walked up to the door. Before I could walk in the house he grabbed my hand." Y/n I can't stay, like I said I just wanted come check up on you. This will probably be the last time too." I knitted my eyebrows together." The fuck is that suposed to mean, why would this be the last time Jay?" He sighed and avoided eye contact with me." I dont think I can keep seeing you anymore, its not really necessary anyway." I threw my bag in the house and closed the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought we we're frie-" he cut me off." Y/n friends dont fuck friends and then go back to the person that fucked you over." His words hit me, but deep down he was right and I obviously hurt him." I'm sorry Jay I didnt mean to h-" he cut me off again." Dont say that shit.You didnt mean to hurt me? Well you did, good bye y/n" with that he walked away and I just stood there. Shocked. Lost. He had never spoken to me like that, I feel like shit and I know I have myself to blame for it. I had sex with him knowing I wasn't over Da Bin and then afterwards I didnt even have the guts to tell him I did. Maybe I deserved what he said, I truly did hurt him but at the same time I didnt want to keep leading him on either. Now that I think about it, he never even gave me the chance to tell him. I guess its better this way because I think it would have turned out this way anyway, that night I chose to be with Da Bin, was the night I chose to hurt Jay. I just didnt want to lose both of them, but it looks like I already lost one.

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