Stay With Me... Please?

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An- I didnt edit this at all please forgive me If there are any spelling errors ( even though I rarely go back and edit anything anyways)

"Can we talk please? In person?" I was currently on the phone with Jay. After ignoring him for the past few days I felt it was wrong to leave him with no answers on why. He wasnt Happy about after I told him about seeing Da Bin and I knew it." Yeah, I'll drop by your place after work. Is that fine?" I told him yes and with that we hung up. I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown after what happened with Da Bin but I knew it was my own fault, plus I haven't seen nor heard from him since. I thought Roscoe would be able to help but after the incident at his party Roscoe didnt talk to him outside of work so I didnt bother asking. The only thing I could do is find him on my own, but the thing is I still dont know what to do. This whole situation has just been fucked up from the beginning and I just want to start over, may that be with Jay or Da Bin. I threw my clothes on after showering and doing my makeup and headed out the door, I had classes to teach this morning and then  Akira was having a party. She hadn't told me what for, all she told me that the reason was a surprise and that she had someone she wanted me to meet. Gosh I hope she doesn't want to set me up with someone, hopefully she met some guy or something.


I was now in a cab on my way to Akira's house. I'm so exhausted and I started to stay home but she insisted that this was important to her and that I had to go. I had gave Jay the address and told him to meet me there, of course getting Akira's permission first. I grabbed my purse after parking my car and walked into her house. It was filled with most of our family and a few of our friends and I was starting to wonder what she could possibly be getting ready to announce, sure we talk but not so much as of lately and I haven't saw her since Roscoes party I believe.I walked in her kitchen and saw her serving everyone drinks." Hey did ya miss me hoe?" She looked up from the counter and squealed as she ran over to me. When she got closer I saw her belly poking out from her dress and I gasped. She hugged me and I felt the bulge against my stomach." Akira does anyone knows?" She stiffened and didnt respond right away." You can see it?" I nodded." Yeah you should change, or is that what this party is about?" She nodded and I pulled away. I mouthed "congrats" and grinned and we both laughed." Oh yeah there's someone I want you to meet." She dragged me all the way out into her backyard and there was some guy talking to Roscoe? He taller than us and he was obviously Korean, when he turned his face a bit it dawned on me. I dragged her back into the house before they could notice us and closed the sliding glass door and turned at her." Akira what the hell? You fucked ZICO OF ALL PEOPLE?" She shushed me and pulled me away from everyone else." Dont say anything to everyone else. You know they dont know who he really is so let's keep it that way. The only one I told about him is Aunt Kimmy and thats only because she knows him but no one else in our family watches kpop or Korean music so dont say shit." I ran my fingers through my hair, she was frustrating me. Not only did she sleep with zico I'm very positive thats the child's father and she told my mom of all people , Akira was a virgin, yes she was a damn virgin. You'd think she wasn't by the way she talks about me all the time but nope she ain't shit."Okay I'm happy for you and all but does he know?" She nodded and smiled." He actually was in the room when I took the test. I kept getting sick and he thought that I should take one to be sure. I'm sorry I kept it from you but I knew you are going through a lot and I didnt wanna bother you." I shook my head and hugged her. " No I'm not upset about it I'm actually not surprised you never told me. But let's go have some fun and I wanna meet ZICO!" We both laughed at my fangirling, you'd think after talking to two rappers and Sleeping with them I'd be past all that now. But nope it doesn't seem to work that way with me.


After Akira announced her pregnancy we all congratulated her and enjoyed our selves until I had to answer the door, I didnt look to see who it was since I was expecting it to be Jay anyway. I swung the front door open and my body Froze."Da.. Da Bin? What are you doing here?" He looked down for a second and I saw a box in his hand.He reached his hands out and passed it to me." Akira told me that you would be here tonight and I came to give you this." I took the box from his hands  and exchanged glances between him and the box."What is it?" He shook his head and smiled at me, one that I hadn't saw in a long time." Its for you to find out. I want you to open it when your at home, and I'll just say this if you make a decision call me on the number I left in the box, even if your answer is no still call me. But I'll go I know this was a celebration." I was so confused and he started to walk away." Wait!" He turned around and I walked over to him and hugged him. I didnt want to leg go and I knew if he did I would cry. I missed him so much and ever since he walked out on me I didnt think I'd ever see him again." I'll open this box on one condition." I looked up at him and pulled away slightly but still had my arms wrapped around him." Stay with me... Please?" He smiled at me and nodded. I hugged him once more before pulling him back into the house. I had forgotten about all my worries and I just didnt want him to leave.

No one's POV

Little did (y/n) know that Jay was sitting outside watching everything. Instead of coming inside he drove off and didnt think about anything, he numbly drove all the way home and stayed there. He knew this was going to happened when she didnt return his calls. He figured that the scene he witnessed moments before confirmed his assumptions that Da Bin and y/n had gotten back together since she wanted to meet with him, he figured that she wanted to break the news to him. He figured the best thing to do was go back to Korea, and don't look back.

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