Chapter 34 - Rania

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The vicious edge of the bottle sliced into the Reaper's neck like the teeth of a shark, his skin resisting before it gave way and the glass embedded itself in the carotid artery

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The vicious edge of the bottle sliced into the Reaper's neck like the teeth of a shark, his skin resisting before it gave way and the glass embedded itself in the carotid artery. Warm blood gushed over my skin, and I twisted to get away. But I couldn't move. Could. Not. Move.

"Shh. It's okay."

I slowly joined the land of the living and realised it wasn't blood covering me but sweat, and I was stuck because Will had his arm wrapped around me, snaking under the shirt I was wearing so it cupped my breast. I stiffened as his thumb brushed across my skin, but while my head told me to run, to get away from this violation, my body relaxed against him while he caressed my nipple. A nipple that hardened under his touch because it knew what it wanted, even if my mind didn't.

"Tell me what happened last night was just a nightmare," I said.

"Don't talk about it. Today, you're going to rest and I'm going to spoil you."

Will shifted his hand to my stomach, holding me tighter as he pressed a soft kiss into the crook of my neck. I wriggled a little, kidding myself I was trying to get comfortable when really I just wanted to be closer to him.

Hang on. Why wasn't I wearing knickers?

More memories came back. The ride home, the shower, Will tucking me into bed and holding me all night long. RJ and Shannon, naked on the sofa downstairs. Shit!

"Did RJ and Shannon...?"

"Sure looked that way. But I haven't heard him scream yet, so I've got to assume she didn't relieve him of his balls when she woke up."

And speaking of balls, I could feel Will's resting against my ass, along with his cock. He didn't move, didn't press into me. They were just there.

Will was just there.

He'd been nothing but kind to me, and I knew at that moment that I'd never want any other man the way I wanted him. Sure, he took liberties—the thumb stroking the underside of my breast was proof of that—but he'd never intentionally hurt me or push me too far.

But I owed it to him to push myself if we were going to have a future together.


"Yes, beautiful?"

I took a deep breath, half-tempted to keep the words inside. "Will you sleep with me?"

"I am sleeping with you, sweetheart. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

"No, I mean will you sleep with me?"

His turn to stiffen, and I didn't mean his cock.

"Nia, you've been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours. Why don't you just rest today?"

He was turning me down?

"Are you seriously trying to talk me out of sex?"

"Reckon I've gone crazy, but yeah. You don't need any more stress right now."

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