Chapter 24

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Y/n PoV

I haven't spoken to Zoe since that night, Alfie said I could stay, until they sorted out the house business.

I basically sleep during the day, and do whatever at night.

It's 10pm now and I hear Zoe and Alfie softly snoring in their room, Joe is next to me, facing the opposite way, I slide out of the bed and get dressed. I don't bother with makeup or fashion anymore, I just throw on whatever I fancy that night and I do my thing.

I grab my phone that's been charging, switch on the flash light and head downstairs, I make some 'breakfast' and sit in the dark on my own.

A sudden idea pops into my head. When i was younger, I had another Instagram account, I kept it for memory's sake, and, well, cringe. I log back into it and search up for the fake account username. It comes up right away.

I open up the recent post, chewing quietly on my cereal, it's clearly a photo taken by someone who was trying to be discreet, it's at a sideways, upward angle. I screenshot the picture, editing it on apps on my phone, I decide to make it black and white, and that's when it hits me, it's clearly photoshopped.

As excited about my discovery as I was, it doesn't prove much. I'm not going to go to Zoe in the morning, be like 'oh look, you shouldn't hate me, it's photoshopped ha ha he he' and leap into her arms and become besties.

Who could have taken the picture? Edited it? Clearly whoever has done this has planned it, has had this going for a long time, the account goes back to 2016, when Joe and I started going out.

I make a few inquiries to Instagram, they say they can find out the location of which the account was last used, and where it was created.

Hopefully it will convince everyone that it's not me.

I make a folder on my photos app called 'evidence' and start saving screenshots to it to use later.

I decide I need a break from the Suggs household, so I head back upstairs and find the biggest bag I could find, and stuff a load of random clothes into it, some mascara and anything that means something to me.

I grab a pice of A4 paper and a pen, and write joe a long letter, explaining the situation:

Dear Joe Sugg,

My names y/n and I went out with a rapper from the US, he wasn't rich or famous when we started dating, it was a hobby of his I helped him with, he gradually grew, famous and away from me, he changed, became violent whenever we argued, yet would kiss me afterwards telling me there was no one better in this world, he used me when he was low, and cracked on with others the rest of the time. The last argument we had was about how he used me, he smashed my phone to pieces, plant pots and shouted, then when we were standing in silence, breathing heavily from shouting, he pinned me against the wall and kissed me passionately, if that's even the word... forcefully, before he left for the club. I was still livid, so I picked open his locked office door, where I found the contract, where I found the new girl. He forgot his phone so he came back whilst I was in the office, so I confronted him, he didn't get angry or violent, he just stood there, said it was true, then a minute late he screamed "GET OUT!" So I left with no return. a story was made up that when he was gone, I invited boys to come "hang out" and he caught me when he forgot his phone. There is no proof of this other than my word, which is your decision to believe or not.

You and I became friends and I soon after fell in love with you, Joe Sugg. And believed that we were made for each other, we had a deeper understanding that no other did, I thought we get through any and everything together. Did I think wrong? Was I just dumb like before?

I know you and everyone else thinks I've gone into a state of never leaving the bed, but I sneak out every night, often leaving for 'midnight walks' for 6 hours, whilst you rest peacefully, wishing you would wake up and pull me back, I wish you wanted me, needed me, but I guess not.

So now I'm going for a while, to find myself again, and find out why someone is ruining my life, why me? I never meant for anything like this to happen, but maybe one day we'll find each other, or... maybe not.

Whatever happens in life, I madly love you, Joe Sugg, I always have done, and I always will...



Once I sign my name at the end and draw a kiss (x), I place the letter on my side of the bed, half hoping he doesn't roll over and crumple it in the morning, but who cares.

I grab the bag, throw it over my shoulder and tip toe downstairs, I suddenly notice something to my right as I'm about the leave, box after box after box, at night, I didn't realise how empty this house was, but as the sun dawns, I see how abandoned and lonely it looks.

That's when it hits me. They're moving house.

It's too late, I'm sick of secrets, lies, I can't deal with this stress, I have to leave before it can get much further.

I open the door, step out and let the fresh night air fill my body, walking away, I can feel the stress and pain numbing, with each breath, it fades, with one last glance back at the house, a tear rolls down my cheek, I wipe it away and I no longer feel sadness, but a feeling of freedom as I distance myself, so I run, and run, and run, into the night...

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