Chapter 25

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Joes PoV

I wake up the next morning, oddly refreshed, I roll over and stretch, expecting to annoy y/n like the old times, but all I hear is the sound of paper, I look over my shoulder and there is this neatly written letter, to me.

I sit up, wondering where y/n is, that's when I read the letter eagerly. The rapper makes me so angry that someone would treat y/n like that, have the audacity to sign something without her consent. Then I realise how much I meant to her, and how she wanted me to want her, and... now she's... gone.

I don't know what to think, so I scream, frustrated and lonely, not a single care in the world of who I bother, my hands grip my head and I let out a cry, I wasn't aware I was holding in, she gave up... because of me.

I do want her back. I need her back. I can't cope like this.

Zoe and Alfie burst into the room, my face is pink with emotions I can't label anymore. I hand Alfie the letter and it's clear they realised how clueless we all were, and now we've lost her.

* * *
Weeks pass by, slowly by day, quickly by week. It's been so long that Zoe and Alfie worry about me, they tell me to find her again, but where do I search for a broken girl? I, we ruined her, and some jealous fan started it, and we had to finish her dirty work.

Hey mate, heard that your down after a breakup recently, it's everywhere! Wanna hang out tonight? Take your mind off of everything? Xoxo

It's from Jack, the xoxo are sarcastic and do put a faint but real smile on my face, maybe getting out there won't hurt too much, maybe heal me?

I would like that yes, honeysuckle xoxo  I reply, wishing it was y/n I was now smiling with.

Jack picks me up we drive to a bougie club the other side of town, where I find Conor, Mikey, Caspar, Josh, Oli and more, they cheer me up and I'm soon drunk, not a care in the world.

A blonde girl, who looks too young to be here starts dancing near the group, slowly edging her way to me, we end up dancing pretty much on each other, and she pulls me aside, "care for a drink?" She asks, "hell yeah!" I smile, she calls the bartender over and orders us two drinks and some shots. We drink together for a couple hours when I see a beautiful girl the other side of the club, standing awkwardly on her own. I tell the girl I have been dancing with (no clue of her name yet) that I'm just going to the loo and I'll be back soon, she smiles and makes her way to her next man.

I make my way to the awkward pretty girl, she has long, straight auburn hair, beautiful hazel eyes that glimmer in the light, plump, natural lips that curve into a smile naturally at the edges, he body is amazing too.

"Hey there!" I shout over the music, she looks tense, "hey relax! What's up with ya?" I ask, she just shrugs.

I motion to the door to the outside, she nods and follows me out, the club is on the beach to we walk nearer the water. "I couldn't help but notice you from the other side, what's your name?"

"My name is y/n, what's yours?" Y/n smile at me.

"I... I'm Joe. Do you know me?" I ask, is this the y/n I know?

"I've never seen you before in my life Joe, why? Do you recognise me?" She's confused.

I look into her eyes and see something, yes, it is. It is y/n. "Y/n, it's you, I know it's you, stop trying to prank me."

Y/ns face looks even more confuse than before, "Joe, I don't know who you are or what you're up to"

"JOE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You said you were going to the loo?!" The blonde girl from earlier screams at me.

"Why does it matter to you what I'm doing?" I ask defensively.

"You can't be speaking to her!" She whisper shouts.

"One moment y/n, this girl and I need to have a little chat." I smile.

"She's dangerous to you, I can't say why, but she is!"

"What's your name anyway?" I question.

"It's. Kayla."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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