Project 6881

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Entry One~

  We obviously have no idea what EXACTLY happens when you die, but Project 6881 will hopefully change that. Our plan is to use our lab animals, kill them, and revive them.

  I know in your mind you scoff at this, but we are using prototypes of our technology to reactivate the mind, heart, nervous system, and other important attributes for homeostasis.

  If we succeed in our mission we could find a way to make humans be able to go to Heaven, yet still live. We could become some of the most famous scientists of all time. We could unlock the key to infinite life. Immortality.

  My mind bursted with an overload of joy when my boss said I would be an assistant to the Project. I have so much to write, I can't write. The members of my team and I will be known all over the world.

Entry 2~

  We started by testing our equipment by trying to give life to a human model. After a few weeks, we placed the organs in there correctly for very simple and basic life, much like that of a sea sponge, but slightly more advanced.  It had no senses  except for thinking and touch.

  As soon as we have life to it, it said on our machine that it was thinking, but the screen was white. The machine would show a color based on what it was thinking. Blue for neutrality, yellow for fear, red for anger, purple for sadness, pink for confusion, orange for panic, brown for joy, and white for unclear. The darker the color, the stronger.

It stayed white for about two minutes then went to dark pink and light orange. Then a slight bit of blue and the orange and pink and got much lighter until it was completely blue. One of our machines in the room poked it and the orange immediately appeared and darkened. As soon as it was getting lighter, the machine stabbed it. The screen turned crimson and burnt orange.

  We did tests like these until the model started thinking green.  We had not heard of green.  We looked on the software's page, and it said the same as white. Unclear. At that time one of the members had a seizure and the screen was part dark brown and the green had significantly shaded.  We tried to kill him with the machine, but it broke it with it's mind. It bended and twisted in awkward ways until it was basically a ball.  The glass shattered across the room along with another member. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started spasming. We started to dial the phone, but it exploded and killed another member. The rest of us just stopped everything. We paused. The next thing we do would probably kill us. That artificial life had unlocked a part of the mind we haven't yet. The green got lighter and the brown got darker.

  The next thing we knew we were on our backs and had just woke up. Several of our other experimental models had disappeared from our lab. The screen was white. We prodded it a few times to see if it was still thinking. It was dead. We immediately notified the bosses all of what happened, and they were shocked and also did not believe us until he looked at the security camera tapes. He saw it all and he said that we were knocked out for around a week. During that time those things escaped, but since they had no muscles, they just levitated out. The screen was flashing with all of their thoughts, all of which were levels of green.

Entry 3~

  We nearly chose to end the mission, but we decided the rewards were great. Also the boss gave us a huge raise, $40 an hour, if we accepted. So obviously one of the great seven sins, Greed, took us over and we agreed.

  So we got our lab animal, a chimp, and hooked him up. We gave him the shot for a painless death and the screen turned white as he died.  The screen was orange for not even a moment then white. The white changed into a near white orange to our amazement. We had witnessed a chimp enter paradise. But the more exiting part was the next step. We were going to bring him back to the real world.

  We started the machine and made a countdown.











  The lights flickered about five times and went out. It took to much power. We tried to call the company phone, but the power was out in the city. Great. We just failed the experiment and stopped electricity for a whole city.

  "Don't feel so down...", a distorted voice said behind us. We snapped around and we saw the monkey floating in midair eating some mangos.  We just stared. We brought a chimp back from Heaven. It had ethereal powers. We succeeded.  We cheer for a bit until the chimpanzee spoke.

  "Now put me back."

  We did not think of how to do that. We just looked at each other blankly.

  "Please don't kill us. We don't know how yet."

  The chimp smiled and stated,"Okay, but think quickly, for there will be later consequences... "

Entry 4~

We decided to not to try the real human death and back to life yet, but instead tried to think of how to put Mr. Mango back. Yes we gave him a small cheesy name.  However, he was scary. He decided every week he was not in Paradise, he got a "doll", one living human of the team to torture.  One of the "dolls" had the lower part of him cut off the first day of play. The same day it was restored painfully with roots, so he had to stay there all night or die, so we wanted to think quickly.

  It took us two weeks to figure out at least a prototype, so by then Mr. Mango had three dolls. We told him it was complete and he simply said that the next step was to catch him. That was going to be hard, especially since we started to all go into an outer body experience forced by the chimp.

  Our bodies stayed there until the boss came in and saw us and the malicious Mr. Mangos. Mr. Mangos had changed over the time though. His eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were tiny. He had an odd blue tint on the edges of his eyes, on the outline of his now razor sharp teeth. He was boney and his cheeks were sunken in. He started to grow horns and spines mostly on his tail but two above his eyebrows.  The boss tried to run back out, but the chimpanzee summoned a bubble of molten metal around him and crushed him in it. He then called for his "servants". Those human models started streaming in. He told him that they did their job well and that he was finished with them. At that time they disintegrated into ashes and embers. He looked at our souls and said," As for you people..

Good luck". At that moment he destroyed our bodies, leaving just our souls floating.  The others found places to sob for eternity, but I decided to follow Mr. Mangos for a week or so.

Entry 5

  I was able to find a medium that would let me use her for typing.

  Mr. Mangos stalked around everywhere, killing when he decided. He hid in closets, he stared in the windows, he hid under beds, possessed people, hid in the bathroom while someone was taking a shower. Then after he was done torturing them, he killed them.  Occasionally he would do something huge that would be in the national news. Check the news now and see if something mysterious has happened lately. Make sure it was not near you. If it was, run. It won't do much, but it will do something: MAKE YOU HAVE A LONGER LIFE. He is chasing you, just like all the people of this world and he knows where each and everyone of you are. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ABOUT YOUR LIFE. RUN IF YOU ARE SMART.

Excerpt from the paper:

"Content cannot be displayed"

PS: It is probably banned from displaying this quote correctly.  When I was unpossessed I saved the document and sent it but the quote had an error. Also I know that this document will just be found later and be forwarded or posted or on a scary story site. I just know it. Don't believe that it is JUST a story. Run.

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