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  I play on my phone a lot. It is easy and just right in my pocket.  I usually play Terraria, Flappy Birds, read some news, or text.  But today was not the same...

  It all started when I got up.  I looked and saw that the time was 8:00. I try to figure out if I want to sleep more, or play on my phone.  I decide to see if any of the people I subscribed too on YouTube, then go to sleep.

  I try to open YouTube, but my phone started to, well, twitch.  You know? The screen was twitching, not the phone itself.  Sort of on those horror movies...

  It suddenly got extremely hot, so I flung it to the floor. I waited about a minute, sitting on my blue bed. It is so comfy, has memory foam and you just sink into it. Anyways, I grab my phone.  The back is still warm but it is okay.

  So I finally opened YouTube.  Let's see, SkyDoesMinecraft uploaded...nothing. Not too weird.  Pewdiepie uploaded...nothing. Still not too odd. DailyTerrariaNews uploaded...nothing. That is weird.  Hey, it doesn't even say I subscribed to them.  It doesn't even say the channel exists. WTF.  

  Okay, HERO opened...He has came: the ultimate boss battle. I have never heard of this boss, but I guess I will now!  I tap on the video.  Nothing pulls up. I tap again.  A little message at the bottom of my screen says, "We are having trouble playing this video, try again later".  I just restart my phone.  I open YouTube. But just like DailyTerrariaNews, HERO's channel has disappeared. Same with all of the Terraria channels...

  Freaky.  Plain freaky.  Who is "He"?  I open my text.  I click on my contact named Terrabuddy, who is a genius at Terraria and coding.  I say hey, but when I look up off my keyboard, I see a god awful face looking me right in the eye, but only for a second.  Maybe it was a mask.  Maybe just a face, I had no idea, except it was one of the worst faces I have ever seen.  Bloody teeth, hawk like eyes and so, how do I put this...dead...he just looked dead.  Grey? and dead.  It just stared at me.  I threw my phone across the room as soon as I saw the face.  I ran out of my house and drove my Charger to my friends house Terrabuddy.

  His real name is Leon Afscan, but I call him Terrabuddy because, well, he is a genius at Terraria.  I finally get too his house.  I knock.  No answer. I knock hard, but the first hard knock and the door opens. It wasn't closed.

  What I see makes me jump and reach for my phone.  I realized I left it at the house, so I get in my car and drive.  Drive all the way too Arkansas, from Georgia. Along the way I vomit.  I just continue vomiting the whole way. I don't want to give any details, but if you are sick enough, go ahead and read it.  If weak of heart, skip through the lines with the the stars above and below it.


The carpet was soaked of so much blood, and there was so much that the carpet couldn't even absorb. His hand was in a blender.  I shouldn't say just his hand, the whole arm was, and the gore from the "smoothie" was spilled all over his head.  His other hand, however could A) be seen coming out of his mouth, which had the bottom jaw ripped off, and B) the shoulder could be seen in a huge cut through the middle of the stomach.

  What was in the stomach and most of the other organs were seen dangling from the ceiling from several pieces of piano wire. 24 wires, organs hanging from them.  The rest were keeping his scalp and left foot to his throat, and at the end of two of those were his eyes.

  The worst of it all is...I heard him still breathing... he was getting up...when I got in my car, I saw the door of that house open...


  I finally got to my parents house.  The fog, however, is not helping my panic.  Nor is the lighting and rain.  I walk into my parents house.  Whew, they are okay.

  "What's wrong?", my mother asks.

  "He.  He is wrong.  Let me grab my bags.", I say.

  I get to my car, and go to the trunk. I open it and grab the duffle bag, but I am shoved in the back...I hear the car start, and smell the oder of a thousand years of rot.  I scream. I ask who it is.

  "I am He who you blame on imagination. I am He who you ignore.  I am He in the corner of your eye. I am He who punishes. I He who creeks the floor.  I am He who of the back of your head.  I am He of hidden insanity. We are going to my house.  We are going to eat dinner.  I am especially hungry.  You will fix the food.  You understand.", He says.

  "No I don't understand", I shout.

  "I will eat you.  You understand."

  I reach for my phone, and this time I have it.  WTF?  I type the story up and send it to two people as soon as He says we are here.

  Immediately I am in my bedroom. I look at my phone.  8:00.  I look at YouTube.  All my channels here.  I text Terrabuddy hey.  He says "what's up that was a creepy story".  Everything's normal.  HERO doesn't have the video of He though...just have to text this twice...that's it...nothing ever happened bad since then...I haven't panicked about it since...just two...


  P.S Send this to others.  Two.  You understand. Don't send it to the person who sent it to you.  You understand. You don't have to, of course.  But you understand what happens.

Also, you understand what happens when you act like you made this.  That is plagiarism, which is bad.  You understand.

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