Chapter 20: Stuck as an Angel

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A.N: Things are going well so far, hope you enjoy!!!


As I look around myself, I notice that I seem to be in clouds. As I continue to search, I happen to step on a hole in a cloud. As I stumble and slowly start falling, I start realizing that I really am going to die. Sorry Chris, I've failed...

Wait, I'm not falling. As I look behind me, I notice I have...yep, you guessed it. Wings. And not just any wings. Angel wings. So basically, I am dead. Well, here we go again.

As I slowly start back up again, that figure from earlier appears before me (not Death). I come up to it, and everything from before starts to spill out.

"Wait, so I'm dead?! What am I going to do?! I promised that I'd save my brother Chris, and now I can't since I'm stuck up here as an angel! My best friend is down there hoping that I'm alive, and now he's going to realize that I'm gone, and he'll be stuck in Colorado with no way to get back to Arizona! What do I do?"

I burst into tears at the second to last sentence, and I just couldn't control myself any longer. All the memories of the life I had back then came flooding back to me in a flurry, and all of them were good. Whether it be at school, hanging out with Jake, or working on homework at home, all of them were good memories that came to me. I had no idea how to get back home, to get back to the one who had just confessed everything he had been feeling up until that time. I didn't know what to do.

The figure comes up to me and puts an arm around my shoulder, as if to say that everything was going to be okay, and that maybe I would go back home. But when I looked over, there was no figure, just an arm. Death tricked me again.

"What do I do? Actually, what can I do?"

At that, everything around me disappears, and I'm floating through an empty realm. All that I see is darkness, but I can feel pressure on me, continuously pressing down on me, as if trying to get me to fall. I felt a sucking whirlwind similar to the first time I "died" and came back to life, but it was pulling me backwards.

That's when I saw it. The Earth, and what it would look like in space. And it was the most breathtaking thing I'd ever seen.


As he's waiting for the girl he had just confessed everything to wake up, Jake started to walk around the house, trying to see if there was anything special that had been missed in his first walkthrough. That's when he remembers that hidden tunnel with the pink and green glowing crystals in it. Right after Jake had found Madota and Derek laughing it out, she had been glowing that same color as those crystals. There had to be a meaning behind it, and he was going to find out.


As I'm floating in that space where direction and time didn't exist, everything looks completely different. The way Earth looks, how it rotates on its axis, everything. My view on the Earth, as well as life itself, had completely changed. Anything that I had thought was horrible before became such a positive outlook that I had no idea what had happened to my pessimistic self. That tugging sensation reached me again, and I was pulled back to Earth at the speed of light.

America came into view, then Colorado, and then Derek's home. I was getting closer and closer, and I started to slow down a little. I finally reached my body, and everything became dark.  

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