Chapter 30: The End?

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A.N: This is also a short chapter, but enjoy!


After a couple hours of being underground, Jake and I find the end of the stone staircase with no more stairs in sight. However, what was strange is that this area was a dead end. I look around slowly, trying to see if anything would stick out by chance. The first thing I saw were small torches. Feeling them, these torches felt not rough, like I expected. Instead, these torches were smooth, as if they were made of a special blown glass. It was nice to the touch, but I said nothing.

As I continued looking, I felt something oddly different. The wall that I was feeling went from wet and cool to dusty and extremely hot. I kept moving my hand back and forth across the wall, puzzling out what this could possibly mean. After a few moments of working out the meaning to this mystery, I heard a clicking sound, and before I knew what was going on, I dropped about 5 feet. Of course, it surprised me, and so I shouted.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room I had fallen into, I noticed metal bars in the distance, almost like a jail cell. Before I knew what I was doing, I started walking towards the miniature cell in the distance. Growing closer and closer to the metal bars, I realized something.

This could be it. This could be the end of my journey. Everything could go back to the way it was before. Maybe that silly vision from before was just a suggestion at what could occur, instead of what would.

I turn around to see if my comrade followed, and just as always, he had. However, his face showed and made an air of terror. This wasn't like before. It was more in depth, and stronger. I kept walking on into the darkness, even closer towards those metal bars, and what I didn't know, to the final revealing of another power.

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