33. finale

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so this is the last chapter, and I kind of feel as though I didn't do this justice, but at the same time I did? what am I even saying, okay enjoy, ily guys

also credits to boobcanan-barnes for the lovely manip

"Come on, get up!"

Kit awoke from her new boyfriend's arms with a groan.

"Kit, come on, get up, please? We have to leave in like a half hour."

"I'll be ready in like 10 minutes," she snuggled her face into Tyler's chest once again and she attempted to resume her comfortable slumber.

And then she was thrown off the bed.

"You son of a bitch!" she laughed, throwing her pillow up at him.

He dodged it expertly and jumped off the bed, "We have to go soon, get ready."

Kit rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the floor, looking around the room and finally taking in what had happened.

"Oh my god."

Tyler was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, but he popped his head out from around the corner and made a confused sound.

"We're dating now."

He smiled with the toothbrush in his mouth and turned around to spit out the foamy toothpaste.

He washed his mouth and turned around again and went towards Kit.

Tyler wrapped his arms around her and kissed her for the millionth time that night, and it wouldn't be the last.

"You're amazing, did I ever tell you that?"

"Yes, about three...trillion times?" Kit joked and kissed his cheek. "you're amazing too."

"So, this dinner," he turned around to put on a new shirt. "are we going to tell them?"

"Well we did say they'd find out at Comic-Con, and it's pretty much Comic-Con," Kit shrugged.

A buzz sounded in the room and Kit turned around to find her phone screen had lit up.

She walked towards her phone and picked it up, reading the notification on the screen.


-ur not in ur room?? where r u ?

"Oh, shit!" Kit cursed.

"What?" Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and turned around at Kit's exclamation.

"We should go, now," Kit grabbed her jacket. "like, now."

"Okay?" Tyler was confused, but he followed Kit as she left the hotel room.

She quickly texted her best friend back to say that she had left already.

I didn't lie, right?

It took a while for them to get to the restaurant where they were meeting, but once they did, Kit's nerves started to take over.

Tyler noticed her little ticks and took her hand, smiling at her, "It's fine, okay? I promise this will be fine."

Kit nodded and smiled at his kindness and walked inside the place to find that everyone was already there, excluding Remy.

"Hey!" Tyler #2, as Kit liked to call him, stood up and hugged her.

Holland and Shelley winked at her, and Kit already knew what they were both insinuating.

She greeted Daniel, Cody, Khylin, and both Dylan's before sitting down right next to Shelley, right when Remy showed up.

Remy took a seat next to Kit, and so the dinner started.

Tyler was across from Kit, and throughout most of the night, they shared confusing eye contact, one of them asking when they were going to announce their relationship, and the other having no idea what they were doing.

"You know, Teen Wolf has a thing for casting people with the same name," Kit laughed, trying to make conversation. "it must get pretty confusing on set, huh?"

"Definitely," Hoehclin replied. "especially with filming season 6, it's weird to be back on set in general."

"Ugh, don't talk about that," Remy gripped her chest dramatically.

"It's weird for me to not be on as a regular, though," Dylan shrugged.

"But it's weird for me to not be there at all, right guys?" Daniel nudged Cody's shoulder.

"Whatever makes you happy, princess," he joked.

The table laughed, and soon Tyler lost all of his patience.

"Okay, guys," he shifted in his seat and Kit raised an eyebrow at him. "I have something to tell you."

Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening and Tyler looked to Kit for support, who sat back nervously.

"Okay then, well, um, Kit and I-"

"You owe me $20!" Shelley immediately yelled out and the table groaned.

Kit narrowed her eyes, "What?"

"We all made bets," Sprayberry explained.

"Bets?" It was Tyler's turn to raise his eyebrow.

"At what point into this you would announce your relationship," Khylin clarified. "I mean, come on guys, this was destined to happen."

Kit rolled her eyes, "You guys are unbelievable.

"No," Holland wagged her finger. "you are for making us wait in anticipation for so long."

Shelley smiled, "Tit is my OTP."

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly, and by the end everyone was making joke's about the pair's relationship.

When Kit and Tyler were the only one's left outside, he turned to his girlfriend and gave her a kiss.

When he pulled back, Kit laughed, "What was that for?"

"For being amazing. Did I mention you're amazing?"

Kit snorted, "You are unbelievable."

"No, this is unbelievable, you're the girl of my dreams, and I'm here, with you. Not many people get that opportunity, you know," Tyler smiled.

"I think we should take a selfie to commemorate the occasion," Kit laughed.

"I think you're right," Tyler nodded.

And so, Kit took out her phone and posted the first picture of them on Instagram while they were in a relationship, which would, of course, be the first of many.

And they both knew that in the back of their minds, this was meant to be.

And they both knew that in the back of their minds, this was meant to be

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your fave OTP is real

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