18. Amusement Parks and Houses

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Nayeon, Mark and Seoyoon are eating fish cake when they entered the place. Mark let go of Nayeon's hand as he and her father went to buy their tickets.

"Should we buy this ride all you can ticket?" Her father asked as they looked back at the three girls who are talking with each other.

"Ne abeoji. That one sounds better. I want to see Nayeon getting scared." Mark said now getting more and more comfortable with Nayeon's father.

He laughed at what he just said and got the wallet from the back of his pocket, "Okay."

"Ei appa. I'll pay." Mark said going towards Nayeon and got his wallet from her sling bag.

"This is my daughters' demand. I have to pay." He insisted.

"Appa, just give me a chance. This is the first time I have been with you guys after so long." Mark said making him laugh and shake his head.

"Arasseo." He gave in to Mark who smiled widely and went to buy the tickets by himself.

"What did you buy?" Nayeon asked when they arrived.

Mark handed to each of her family members their passes before facing Nayeon and wore it on her himself.

"You wanna ride those scary rides?" Nayeon pushed her lips out as Mark held her hand and they followed her family who went in first.

Mark smiled widely and he need not say anything. She knows him more than everyone thinks she does.

In the middle of riding extreme rides, they would go ride the normal ones until they reached the roller coaster.

"I don't think I can ride that." Nayeon's mom said as they reached the line for the ride.

"Nado. I'm so dizzy already." Seoyoon agreed nodding her head and faced her mom, "Umma, let's go get something to eat."

"Are you two going to ride that?" Their dad asked pointing the huge roller coaster by the side.

Mark looked down Nayeon with his hands in his pockets, "Do you want to go for this ride? Or do you wanna go with them?"

"I wanna ride this one." Nayeon answered glancing at Mark then to her family, "I still feel fine. If I get overly dizzy with this, I'll stop."

"Okay. You both take care." Her father said as the three of them waved their hand and started to walk away, "Give us a call when you're done with all of it. It's getting dark."

"Woaaah. It's 6pm already." Seoyoon said in amazement, "I'm getting really hungry umma appa."

"Seoyoon is like her older sister." Eunkwang commented in admiration, "They are always hungry."

"They are both really cute too." Misun added nodding her head.

Mark fixed Nayeon's hair as they waited for their turn to ride the rollercoaster, "For a moment."

Nayeon nodded his head and waited as he went to first line. Mark smiled, nodding his head at every one of them.

"I'm sorry. Ummm... I'm with my wife right now." Mark said pointing Nayeon from the middle of the line making everyone turn to her whose eyes widened at the sudden attention from everyone before turning to Mark who smiled, "We are here with her family because she wanted to come. Can we maybe have the very front of the rollercoaster? I wanted to give her the best experience ever. This is our first time riding this."

Everyone smiled and agreed all together as Nayeon looked down blushing heavily as she bit down her bottom lip in embarrassment.

"Baby... Come here." Mark walked towards her and intertwined his hands with hers before pulling her to the very front of the line.

We Got Married: Precious Love [Mark Tuan and Im Nayeon Fanfic] // MarkyeonWhere stories live. Discover now