Chapter One

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“Hut, two, three, four!” Major General John Sliker yells to the trainees as they march behind him.

“If you expect to be in the 42nd Marine Division, the best marine division in the United Earth Organization Armed Forces, you better be able to carry that M-24 rifle and the rest of your pack, full of gear with ease!” The General huffs a little as he takes relaxed, paced breaths, then continues speaking while running, “Be warned, those M-24 rifles are fully loaded with live ammunition and a grenade launcher attachment!”

In the middle of the group of running trainees, a trainee says to the man beside him, “Now that’s a man I would follow anywhere.” As he says that, the light strikes the General in a heroic-looking way, and his features are shown.

The General’s blonde hair shines and his bright green left eye twinkles in the dying light he has a black eyepatch over his right eye.. His 6”2 stature and very muscular, white, yet lightly tanned body is pumping as he runs.

General John Sliker yells out to the trainees, “Keep those backpacks strapped on tig-!” He stops midway through the last word as an odd-looking spiky meteor impacts on the right side of the running track, sending him and the trainees’ right behind him flying to the left side of the road.

John hits the ground hard, but immediately, he pushes himself up off of his knees. He promptly checks his trainees to make sure they are alright and helps them up.

He gives the order, “Unsling rifles, safety off, and load a titanium-tipped round into the chamber! Advance, but not too close towards the target!”

The trainees slowly fan out on one side of the meteor, with John at point. As soon as they get within 10 feet of the charcoal-black colored spiky meteor, it unfurls and spins through the air then hits the ground in the shape of a humanoid-looking black turtle with a shell on its back that is enhanced with giant spikes, and a face with the beak of a snapping turtle from Earth. The entire thing is a dark charcoal-black color.

John stares in awe at it until he realizes it is holding some sort of weapon in its right hand. He screams out, “HIT THE DECK!” Right as it fires and a green laser shoots out the tip of the odd-looking gun. The green laser narrowly misses a trainee and impacts on a large rock beside the trainee, blowing half of the giant rock to dust.

“RETURN FIRE! FULL AUTO!” The General yells out as he begins firing at every inch of the giant turtle/human thing. The turtle/human thing spins around and its shell faces the trainees, then the rest of the trainees begin firing as well, but it causes hardly any damage beside chipping the shell.

The turtle begins making a low-odd sounding sound, which sounds like a weird form of laughing. Then it speaks with a very low, guttural voice, “This is the best you can do?! I am a member of the Turcloko species! My name is Kaplon, and I will be your harbinger of death, today!” Kaplon laughs again, and then begins rapidly firing his gun, and one hits a trainee, instantly vaporizing him.

The Brigadier General orders the retreat, “Fall back, I have twelve X94 jeeps that should fit all 29 of you, about half a mile away! Move your butts, full speed!” The trainees and the General scramble up off the ground and take off sprinting across the desert behind them, towards the X94 jeeps.

As they sprint away from the Turcloko, it just stands there, continuing to laugh, and doesn’t even fire. They reach the jeeps, and all the trainees climb aboard, the eleven fully trained 42nd Marine Division drivers already waiting for them, General Sliker climbs into the driver seat of his jeep with his four highly-trained personal bodyguards already waiting for him inside.

One of his bodyguards asks, “Sir, what is the problem?”

John replies with, “We have just encountered the first alien life forms ever, and they are hostile! All drivers, full speed back to base!”

The Attack of the Turcloko (Temporary Title)Where stories live. Discover now