Chapter Three

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At the White House on Earth

Five minutes have passed, and the President, Lucas Smith storms in, “What do you need Marcus? I was in a very important meeting!”

Marcus speaks calmly and slowly, “Sorry, Lucas, or I should probably call you Mr. President for these news, sir. But Major General John Sliker and his 42nd Marine Division have just encountered a hostile alien entity named Turcloko's. They resemble massive humanoid-turtles, according to the report. And have dealt a damaging blow to the marine base on Raalqueada.

The President slowly ponders this as the idea of alien entities gears his brain into action, “So, you're saying, these Turcloko, as you say they are named, just showed up and attacked us without reason? Did they not even try to communicate?”

“No sir, they didn't, they attacked the men on sight.” Marcus replies.

“Hmm, interesting, I always figured that, the first aliens we meet would be friendly, turns out, they aren't.” The President says as he combs his hand through his air in frustration.

“Sir, what should we do?”

“That's up to you, Marcus, you lead the Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, and every other branch we have. Respond how you wish, just make sure, they learn not to mess with us!” The President replies.

“Understood, sir, I shall send out inner colony military forces out to the outer colony planets ASAP, we shall teach them not to mess with us!

“Good, get to work on that.”

As the President stands up, Marcus says, “By the way, sir.” As he salutes, “It is great working with you, now let's hope we survive this.”

“Same with you Marcus,” The President replies as he salutes back, and as he is about to walk out, Marcus says,

“One more thing, sir. I plan on letting now Lieutenant General John Sliker of the Marine Corps lead all the available military forces on Raalqueada, our outermost planet, as well as the rest of the outer colony planets.”

“Ah, very good choice, Marcus. Let's hope he lives up to standards, and repels these 'things'.”

The Attack of the Turcloko (Temporary Title)Where stories live. Discover now