2. Cry it out

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James coughing got worse, so he said he'd go back home for today.

It was awkward at first, the two boys walked in silence towards the food court. John wasn't sure if Thomas believed his story or not, so he just kept to himself, crossing his arms tighlty as the cold air hit him.

Thomas noticed the goosebumps. He frowned slightly to himself, slipping off his jacket and drapping it around John's shoulders.

John's gaze was on anything but Thomas but it quickly turned to the taller boy, his flustered cheeks hiding under all the make up.

"th-thanks." John whispered, barely audible as his eyes fell to the floor.

"no biggie." Thomas answered plainly, trying to ignore how adorable that was.

The rest of the short trip was silent, but comfortable. Alex, Herc and Laf sat at a table, Alex was still complaining about Thomas, he was so frustrated he didn't even notice the two boys with mager hight differences aproach their table.

Herc and Laf seemed to be having a full conversation just with their eyes as they listened to Alex. All three of them looked up at John and Thomas, Alex finnaly shutting up. However, his silence didn't last long.

"Why are you wearing his jacket?!" Alex stood up, his hands pressed against the table.

"Because hs noticed I was cold." John sighed soflty, turning to Herc "can I have my wallet, please?"

Herc reached into his pocket and pulled out John's wallet, handing it to him. Thomas waited patiently, returning Lafs kind smile with a polite one.

"He's up to something." Alex accused, looking at Thomas with untrusting eyes.

"what am I up to, smart ass?" Thomas shot back, clearly annoyed.

"I don't know yet." Alex muttered, sitting back down and crossing his arms like a fussy child.

"we'll be right back." John smiled, gesturing to all the choices of food around them "take your pick."

"I'm a fancy bitch." he giggled "what can you afford?"

"I have enough to buy the entire mall... Literally. Pick whatever." John mumbled, not meaning to brag about his fathers fortune.

"oh... I was kidding... I just wanted some mac 'n' cheese." Thomas walked over to the only Italian restaurant. John followed closely.

Alex watched closley as the two ordered Thomas's food.
"He's probably a gold digger." he whispered, an angry look on his face.

"he is not, mon ami." Laf sighed, looking at the odd pair.

Herc was bored of hearing about how much Thomas sucks and was playing some random game on his phone. Alex grumbled when he saw his Jacky giggle at some stupid shit the asshole said.
Alex couldn't lie to himself, he was jealous. Just like everyone who met John, he had developed a major crush for the boy.

John was still hiding in Thomas' jacket, that was way too oversized. Both walked back to the table, Thomas holding a tray with his food. They talked nonsense all the way back, giggling at everything.

Alex was starring at Thomas, and if looks could kill...

Thomas didn't give a shit. He was admiring the small boy, grinning from ear to ear every time John would smile of laugh. After the laughing had died down he became desperate to hear the adorable giggling. The boy seemed to enjoy shitty puns... But Thomas already used his best ones... Hopefully a shitty pick up line would have to do... "I lost my number," He sighed dramatically, gaining a curious look from John "can I have yours?" Thomas smirked.

"Thomas!" John burst out in a fit of embarrassed giggles, covering his face with his hands. They finnaly got back to the table, Thomas placed the tray down and sat next to Laf, John sat beside Thomas.

"you didn't answer my question." He said casually, stabbing some of the pasta with his fork.

"Yes, you can." John whimpered shyly, a small smile appearing as he looked down at the table.

John's mascara had ran slightly due to his eyes watering from laughing too much. Laf handed him a makeup remover wipe he'd gotten from his bag "you're mascara." Laf whispered.

John took it and handed it to Thomas "can you?" John asked shyly.

He just nodded, wiping it under his eye to remove the makeup. Thomas frowed when the cute boy fliched, thinking he hurt him. When he pulled back he saw thw large bruise under John's eye.

Thomas took a second to process, before asking "what the hell happened?" his tone was laced with concern as he placed a gentle hand on John's cheek.

"n-nothing..." John tried to think of an excuse "I-I just...um..." he whimpered, not being able to think under so much pressure.

Herc had put down his phone, looking at John sadly. Alex sighed, knowing how hard it was for John to talk about this.
"I believe it is safe to tell him." Laf whispered.

"m-my father..." John muttered, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Thomas pulled him into a tight hug, not knowing what else to do. To Thomas' suprise, John hugged back, hiding his face in the largers boy chest as he cried silently.

Thomas rubbed his back softly, sighing. He wanted to do something about it, but he remembered how powerful John's father was. He was an extremely popular and trusted politician, no one would believe that he hit his son.

Alex stood up "let's go to Lafs, bail the rest of the day." Herc and Laf nodded, standing up too.

Laf placed a hand on Thomas's shoulder "you come too. He will cry for a while and will not want to let go of you." the Frenchman knew his friend well, John would cry for hours when he started thinking about his father, and whoever he hugged first he'd stick to, needing comfort.

"no way! We can take care of him just fine." Alex protested.

"you know he will not let go of Thomas until he is done crying. He does not want us to see him cry." Laf sighed

"You know this, Alex. Plus, he seems to like Thomas." Herc said.

"just until he's done crying it out." Alex muttered, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

Thomas just listened, confused as to what he should do. "do I carry him?" Thomas whispered, looking up at Laf from his chair.
Laf just nodded, taking Hercs hand in his own.

Thomas carefully stood up, holding John up bridal style. John kept his face hidden in the crook of Thomas's neck.
"good bye, food." Thomas sighed.

I'll Buy You Lunch. -A Thaurens Highschool Au.Where stories live. Discover now