1. Misunderstanding

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John's birthday was perfect. The one day of the year he didn't have to go home to his father. John, Herc and Alex were spending the night at Lafs to celebrate. But right now the four were aimlessly walking around the mall during their lunch break, listening to Alexander rant  about Thomas Jefferson.

"He's such a huge bag of dicks!" Alex shouted, making large gestures with his hands as they walked. Herc nudged his shoulder to tell him to lower his voice.

"What's so bad about him?" Laf asked curiously in his thick French accent.
John just sighed, knowing how much longer he'd have to hear Alex complain after Lafayettess question.

After Alex began talking again John blocked him out, looking around at the small shops that lined the mall. He was quiet cold in his short cheer outfit that exposed most of his body to the chilly air conditioning. The small boy just crossed his arms, not wanting to bother his friends.

"John agrees, right?" Alex asked, all three pair of eyes turned to him.
"Yeah..." he muttered, not knowing what he agreed to. John wish he knew he agreed to hating Thomas, as he had nothing against him.

Little did John know that Thomas and James were walking behind them, unintentionally hearing everything. Thomas became deeply hurt, he was used to hearing this shit from Hamilton... But if the sweet, kind cheerleader that likes everyone hates him he must truly be a horrible person. What had he done though? He's always been kind to John, greeting him in the hallways with a smile... Thomas didn't like being confused, so without much thought he walked over to them.

Alex heard the fast aproaching foot steps and looked over his shoulder, quickly turning around as he saw the poofy hair. "Jefferson?!" he spat in disgust. The other three turned to face Thomas, looking confused.

James caught up, hiding behind his best friend like a shy child would hide behind his mother.
"Hi, Thomas." John greeted with a kind smile, still oblivious as to what he had agreed to.
Jefferson walked right past Alex towering over John as he looked down at him.

"you don't have to act nice if you hate me, just tell me why." he muttered, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He was wearing the jacket from his football team, one of those red and white one jocks use with his initials sown in white.
Alex smirked smugly to himself, watching the two.

"I-I don't." John whispered, frowning as he looked up at the tall boy.

"you just told Alex you did."

Johns eyes widened in suprise... Is that what he agreed to? As his mind hurried for a way to fix this James, Herc and Laf stood awkwardly.

"He hates you because your an asshole. Let's go, John." Alex broke in, trying to take Johns shaky hand but he pulled back.

"Go on without me. I need to talk with Thomas." John looked at Alex, knowing he'd interfere his apology if he stayed around.

"we'll be in the food court." Herc wrapped his strong arm around Alexs small shoulders, pulling him away. Laf soon followed.

"Can I talk to you?" John asked soflty, looking back up with pleading eyes.

Thomas sighed soflty "just tell me why you hate me so I can go."

"I don't. I really don't. Alex was talking shit about you so I ignored him, I didn't know what he asked me. I just agreed. Please believe me, Thomas. I have no reason to hate you." He tried his best to explain, knowing it didn't sound very convincing "... I'll buy you lunch if you forgive me?"

Thomas felt relived, and hungry... "sure."

I'll Buy You Lunch. -A Thaurens Highschool Au.Where stories live. Discover now