3. Stay

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Thomas was conflicted. He definitely fell on the badder side of the spectrum. Unlike John, he wouldn't apologize when he bumped shoulders with someone in the hallway. He wouldn't use 'please' and 'thank you' with everyone, in fact, it was incredibly rare. So Thomas was surprised when he found himself wanting to be nice to everyone like John. But did he want to be better or just impress John?

"Let's go." Lafs voice snapped Thomas from his thoughts. Herc had gotten Thomas's food packed up to go, and was carrying it in a small plastic bag.

Thomas just nodded, wanting to comfort John better so he could stop hearing his small sobs. John sounded like his mother crying...

Herc guided everyone to his car...or his moms car. Alex was following Thomas closely, staring holes into the back of his head. Hercs mom had a mini van, which was completely unnecessary. He was an only child and his mom never used it anyways, the only reason he can take it without her noticing.

Herc got in the drivers seat, Laf in the passenger seat. Alex got in the back with Thomas, John remaining on his lap. Herc drove off, sighing soflty as all that was heard was John crying softly.

Alex scooched closer, he was going to try and comfort John. He knew it was useless, but he didn't want his future boyfriend on Thomas Jeffersons lap. "Hey, Jacky," he whispered "let's enjoy the rest of your day, we're going to Lafs. It's you sixteenth birthday. He won't touch you today."

John ignored him as his fathers voice echoed in his head. Thomas thought it was worth a try.
"hey, John." Thomas whispered.

"men don't cry." John whimpered under his breath.

"yes they do, and that's okay." Thomas smiled sadly "look at me, please."

They all knew that he wouldn't look. He never did. John took a shaky breath, slowly pulling away from his shoulder to look at him. Alex gasped, frowning.

Johns eyes were red, his makeup completley gone where the tears streamed down.

Thomas smiled softly "you didn't tell me it was your birthday. I need to get you a gift." he chuckled quietly.

"you have a beautiful smile when it's genuine." John whispered, smiling soflty.

Alex interrupted, getting fed up of seeing the two together "you're better, you can get off his lap."

"s-sorry..." John tried to slip away but Thomas didn't let him.
He leaned close to John's ear "you can stay if you want." Thomas whispered so only John would hear.
The smaller boy giggled, staying.
"Gilbert, pass me a makeup wipe, please."
Soon enough a wipe was handed to Thomas.

Alex had moved to write some angry essay about Thomas on his phone.

Thomas held the cold wipe close to Johns cheek "can I?"
John nodded, looking at Thomas as he wiped off the makeup. His galaxy of freckles was revealed, along with a few other bruises.
"You have freckles?!"

John's blush was alot more obvious without the makeup "yeah." he giggled.

Hercs low chuckle was heard through out the car "it's insane how easy it is to befriend John. Fascinating how you know him for five minutes and it feels like you're life long friends."

"John's just fascinating over all." Alex said, his eyes on the bright screen as he furiously typed.

"thanks." Johns blush deepened

"and he's adorable." Thomas added.

"and kind." came from Laf

"helps out at the orphanage every weekend kind." Herc said as he pulled into Lafs driveway. Thomas opened the door and John got out, the jacket still resting over his shoulders.

They got in, it was a simple, two story house. No one was home, Lafs mom was single and worked all day, the house was all theirs.

Alex was the last one in, happy that John got over it quick. It was wierd, he'd normally cry for hours...but he's acting perfectly normal. Alex's smile dropped when he thought about how it was Jefferson that made him happy. Of all people.

"Laf?" John tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.
"Can Thomas stay a little longer?"
"Oui." Laf giggled.

John excitedly turned to Thomas "will you stay?"
Thomas quickly glanced around, Alex was still writing, Herc had gone to the kitchen with Laf... He looked back down at the newly freckled boy. He looked so hopeful and happy. There was a spark in his eyes that he couldn't say no to.

"Of course." Thomas smiled.
"Let me go change." John giggled heading for the stairs.

Thomas started hating the thought of spending any second he could be with John away from him. He let his feelings, this one in particular, take over. Thomas thoughtlessly grabbed Johns wrist to stop him. John did stop, looking back confused.
"don't change, I love that on you."

Jacky blushed stepping closer to the boy that he was getting fond of "you do?"

Thomas placed careful hands on John's hips, whispering "it's really hot."

John moved his hands up to Thomas's shoulders "you think so?" he whispered back, leaning forwards onto his tippy toes, bringing his face closer to Thomas's.

They stood in silence, a comfortable silence as they spoke with no words. Their eyes would dart to the others lips before they met again. Both knew what the other wanted, but both thought it was too soon. John wanted to seal it, attach his lips to the handsome boy and love him. So did Thomas. Thomas wanted to protect the small boy, he was small and fragile, breakable. Just as much as they both wanted it, it was obvious they couldn't. Thomas and John had just started talking and getting to know eachother. But neither wanted to pull back either.

So they stayed there. Looking at eachother, both blushing soflty. John was curious as to what Alex was occupying himself with, but he couldn't take his eyes off Thomas if he wanted to, and he didn't. John took his time to memorize the beautiful face that stood in front of him, so close that his warm breath was felt on the tip of Jackys nose. Thomas had deep, dark brown eyes, they could be easily mistaken for black, but as John stared he noticed all the other shades of brown that mixed into the darker tone. It was a rich and amazing mix, it looked like a gala, where people would slow dance in fancy dresses and expensive suits.

Thomas found Johns eyes addictive. Intoxicating how beautiful and strange they are, a soft hazel that faded out into a dirty green. Gorgeous. It looked like an open field framed with trees, where he could take John out for some peace and quiet. Just the two of them, walking freely as they laughed at bad jokes. Thomas wish he could think of something more romantic, John deserved it.

And so they stayed, reading a story in eachothers eyes as they stood in silence. Both wanting to move closer into a passionate kiss, but neither wanted to move from the comfort they had found in each other.

So they stayed.

I'll Buy You Lunch. -A Thaurens Highschool Au.Where stories live. Discover now