Chapter 1 Beginnings

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Chapter 1 

The sun is shining brightly in the clear blue skies above as ishido, Demitsu, a blond haired male around the same age as them, lazily lie on the ground looking off the edge of a cliff. The blond haird boy turns around to his friends and says.

"You know after we all defeated the dragon bahamut, sage disappeared pretty quickly. He said that something urgent had come up. I wonder what it could be? I mean its been 3 months already."

Ishido gets up and begins swinging his sword as if he were cutting logs. "Ive been telling you two for the longest that if that fool sage wanted to contanct us, he would have by now. I'm actually glad I don't have to deal with im right now." Ishido says as he sighs a breath of relief.

Demitsue lets out a small chuckle, "You two do seem to argue every time we are in a group, and its always over what's better magic powers or hard work and training. Actually thinking about it now, you have never agreed with him once on anything have you Ishido."

Ishido puts his swords away and faces the opposite direction. "Yeah, yeah I gues its time to go though guys. The king of ishgard said he wanted to reward us for defeating bahmut, and we've already delayed meeting him for 3 months now. It'd be rude to make him wait longer without a proper reason."

"Fine," Genore states as he stands up. "I hope it's a banquet, I'd love to taste what kinda food they have in ishgard."

Just as the three of them are making their way down the cliff they hear a voice call out to them in the distance. The three stop and look behind them to see two more males, one whom with looks alone could resemble a prince from another country, with long silver hair, dark purple eyes, and nice facial features. The other resembled more of a normally dressed village boy with short orange hair, blue eyes, and mysterious lightning bolts in place of where a person's pupils normally lie.

"Hey Ishi, Demi, Genore!" The two called out to the group. The looks in the two males eyes was one of worry and urgency. As they finally caught up they stopped, gasping for air.

"Where have you been? It took us 2 months to find you. Two months!" the orange haired boy exclaimed as he was still breathing pretty heavy.

"We've been traveling." Answered Demitsue. As Demitsue closely examined their tired and worried expressions his curiosity began to grow. "Whats the big emergency." He asks.

"This." The silver haired boy remarks as he hands Ishido a purple envelope with a symbol of a staff breaking a sword as the seal.

"This is how sage seals his letters." Ishido summraises as he begins to open the letter. While reading the contents of the letter ishido's eyes widen with disbelief. The letter falls from his hand and he is left in a daze. "No way." He states under his breath.

"What does it say?" Genore asks as he picks up the letter and begins to read it out loud.

"If you are receiving this that means my letter finally made it to you useless fools, right now I have been captured by some enemy unknown to me. I've tried, but even with all my magic power I haven't been able to escape. It's almost like their draining me. Whomever these people are they are smart and powerful, and while I don't fully know their plans I've overheard them talking. If heard them correctly what they plan to do could upset the very balance of the world itself. You have to hurry and rescue me from this place so we can stop them. I estimate we have about a year and a half before their plan is ready to be executed. All I can provide for clues is the phrase I keep hearing, "Le pouvoir re'side dans la connaissance."

After a few quite moments Genore asks, "What in the world does that mean?" No one says a word. The gravity of the situualsion was still setting upon them.

"First of all for sage to be captured and also not being able to escape is...amazing. Then again it shows how serious this situation is." Ishido states as he knows just how powerful sage is. And to capture and restrain him is a feat almost unheard of.

"Well according to this letter we have at least a year and three months to find sage. So I suggest we start looking for whatever clues we can, and figure out what this phrase might mean." The silver haired boy states.

Demitsu ponders about, lost in thought until finally he says, "I have no idea what this says, but maybe we can head back to Ishgard. I'm sure the king or someone else knows what these words mean."

Demitsue turns to the orange haired boy and says, "Domoto are you and Roku willing to help us this time?"

Both Domoto and Roku, the silver haird boy, look at each other and nod. "That's what we were planning to do in the first place.

"Great. Then onwards to Ishgard we go." Ishido says as he begins walking down the cliff once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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